
Do you know the feeling of feeling out of balance? I know for sure. It usually happens when I have too much going on and when I haven't been sticking to the usual things that makes my life go smooth. So here is a list of 6 things that might help to bring you back into balance again ๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿ™

Drink Water

This is such a simple, yet so important tip. Water and staying hydrated is absolutely essential for our bodies to function properly, and for your skin to feel hydrated as well! So ask yourself; have you been drinking enough water recently? Otherwise, try to have focus on drinking more water

Daily Smoothies with Good Quality Oils

I love to make either a good green smoothie or a delicious berry smoothie! It's such an easy way to get extra vitamins and antioxidants, which is so good for your body and your skin! + add some good quality oil to your smoothie, this is so good for dry skin!

Move Your Body

Again, a simple, yet so important thing for our health and well-being - moving your body. When you don't move, things get stagnant in your body, so move and breathe and make things flow!

Relax & Recharge

When did you last stop to pause, rest, relax and recharge? If you're like me, you're very good at finishing one thing and then going straight to the next! I constantly have to remind myself to take time to just be, rest and relax. Because it's vital for our well-being, to remember to rest and just be and not always do. Take a nap, watch a good movie, go for a lovely walk in nature or read a good book!

Eat Whole Foods

Finding ways to get back into balance, can also be because you've gotten out of balance in terms of what you eat - perhaps you've been eating out too much recently? Going to many birthdays and eaten a lot of delicious, but not as healthy, whole foods? Perhaps it's time to get back to more whole foods - vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds.

Clean up, Tidy & Organise your Place

One of the things that can make me feel out of balance, is if I've been letting things pile up in my apartment and it has gotten too messy. A messy apartment for me also equals a more "messy mind", which makes me feel incredibly uninspired and out of balance. Cleaning up, tidying and organising my place can also give me renewed energy and inspiration!

What are your favourite ways to get back into balance again? ๐Ÿ™


