
Do you like to improve yourself and creating new and better habits, which can change your life into a better life? Then this is a book for you! The book Atomic Habits by James Clear.

This book is all about how creating small tiny changes in your life will add up over time and make a big difference for you. It is better to make a little change, and stick to that little habit over time, than it is to set a way too big and unrealistic goal and quit within a week.

In this book, James Clear comes with several small brilliant examples of how these small habits over time will have a significant impact on your life - for the better. Do you want to live healthier? Instead of saying to yourself to quit all sugar right now, eat tons of veggies and exercise 5 days a week - start small. Try to eat 1 more vegetable each day, or add 1 smoothie to your diet each day. Over time you can begin to increase the amount, but start small and continue the practice.

I can highly recommend this book, especially if you are into growth and self-development. James Clear offers some very practical guidelines on how to change your habits, and lots of inspiration!

Find the book here: Atomic Habits - James Clear *
(*Affiliate link. If you buy through this link, this means that I get a small percentage of the sale)

Quotes from the book

"Changes that seem small and unimportant at first will compound into remarkable results if you're willing to stick with them for years"

"Too often we convince ourselves that massive success requires massive action"

"A slight change in your daily habits can guide your life to a very different destination"

"All big things come from small beginnings"

Have you read any interesting books lately? As always, I would love to hear about it!

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