
Here are some of the books that have changed my life. There are, of course, many books that have had an impact on my life, but these are definitely some of the books that have completely changed my life perspective for, what I personally think is, the better. I hope this post can give you some new reading inspiration, and remember that if you choose to always stay open and to keep learning and growing - then wonderful things can happen!

The Magic (aka The Secret)

The Magic by Rhonda Byrne, was a book I discovered back in 2012 in England. It was a time in my life where I had lots of self doubt, and probably way to much doubts about myself and what I should do with my life. Then I came into a bookstore and this magical book just caught my attention. I remember first thinking "I want that!" and then my thoughts convinced me that "no, that is some sort of self-help book, you shouldn't read that, that's just stupid", but after having walked around in the book store for a while I finally decided to buy it. I started reading it as soon as I got back to the hotel, and I was completely in love with it.

This book taught me about Gratitude, the Law of Attraction, Manifestation, and changing your life perspective to focus on the positive things in life. It's a very practical book, because it has small exercises that you should do each day, and I recommend to completely follow it and do all the exercises. It changed my life, and I'm forever grateful for having discovered this book at the right time in my life.

Money & The Law of Attraction

Money & The Law of Attraction by Esther & Jerry Hicks.
I read this book recently, and it's all about Manifestation & The Law of Attraction. It might be titled 'money', but this book is about so much more than just money. It's about how to focus on the things that you WANT in life, and learning to attract these things into your life. It's really good, and I probably wrote down half the book in my notebook while reading it, because there was just so much gold in it. If you haven't heard about Law of Attraction and Manifestation before, then I would recommend reading 'The Magic' first as an introduction to the subject, and then read this book later in your life, when you feel ready to dive deeper into the topic.

The Four Agreements

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz is a tiny little book with SO much gold in it. These life advices are some that I wish would be taught to everybody in school, because wauw, these are beautiful. I don't want to say too much about it, because I think you should experience reading it for yourself. But it is a wonderful little book, that I think everybody should read.

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra is another little book which everybody on this Planet should read. It's also about manifestation, and the flow of life. How in order to receive certain things in life, we must also be willing to give these things ourselves in order to keep the flow of life going. Just like with 'The Four Agreements', this is also a beautiful little book, so I don't want to say too much about it, except for: read it, it's worth it, it's another one of those books that could be completely life changing for you.

Big Magic - Creative Living Beyond Fear

Big Magic by Elisabeth Gilbert is a book for creatives. Creatives of all kinds, whether you are a writer, painter, singer, and not only for 'professional creatives', but also for people who just practice being creative at home. It's really inspirering, and gives you such a motivational spark to embrace curiosity and just start creating every time you feel that creative flow coming.

It's also about overcoming the fear we might have that stop us from creating, which is such a shame, because as she mentions in the book, creating shouldn't just be for coming up with a final result which we can 'give' to others or sell, creating should be something we do for the sake of the experience of creating something, because that is such a wonderful thing.

Think & Grow Rich

Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is probably one of the foregoers to 'The Magic' and 'Money & The Law of Attraction', because he spend 25 years of his life learning about what had made successful people successful. This book might be titled 'think & grow rich', but this book is about way more than just the financial aspect, it's about learning a whole new way of thinking which can completely change your life. It's about finding your purpose, creating plans, staying persistent and believing in it. Again, I don't want to say too much, because I truly believe that this book should be experienced by reading. But I will say that it's an amazing book! I have highlighted tons of sentences in the book, I recommended by dad to get it as well, and I also just bought 2 copies for 2 of my friends. This is definitely a game changer!

The 5 Love Languages

The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman is a must-read for everybody. Not just for people wanting to improve their romantic relationship, but for everybody. This book can enhance your understanding of other people, and this can improve all your relationships. It's about how there are 5 'love languages' and that we all have a primary love language - meaning, a way that we receive and give love. But our partner might have another love language, and then miscommunication can arise as we 'show and give' our love in different ways and then the love might not be received by the other person, as this is not their primary love language. So if we can learn our closest ones love languages, then we can learn to 'give' love to them in a way that they can receive, which will improve our relationships.

These were the books that have been completely life-changing for me and my life. I would love to know which books have been life changing for your life?


