Sometimes we tend to get so much stuff build up, both physical stuff, but also mental stuff, that it can all become too overwhelming or we can feel stuck or stagnant where we are. Therefore, I want to encourage you to declutter your space & life ✨
Don't we all know the feeling of having such a messy house, that you don't feel like getting anything done? Or perhaps your kitchen is such a mess that you don't feel like cooking? Or your desktop is so cluttered and full, that you can't seem to start the projects you want to be working on? Funny thing is, the saying goes "you teach what you most need to learn yourself", and here I am in an absolute mess of an apartment & having a completely filled and cluttered desktop. It all needs a good round of decluttering, so that there is space for new things, feelings & inspiration!
"Make space for what matters"
Before we go into the new decade - 2020 - I want to declutter my home, my desktop and my mind. I want to get rid of all the old stuff that doesn't serve me any longer, and create more light and space for new things to flourish. Because nothing new can comes in, if you try to hold on to lots of old stuff. Let it go, and welcome new opportunities into your life
What about you - does your life need a good decluttering before entering 2020? Remember, as always, not to look at things like you need to get everything done at once, begin in one place. Perhaps start with decluttering and cleaning your kitchen. Then move on to the next. But take one step at a time ✨