Sometimes we do not follow our passions, our hearts, we don't spend money on that certain book or course that sparks our interest, and we're thereby inhibiting our own growth potential. So today I want to ask you; do you give yourself room to grow? πΏπΏ
Back in April I shared an Instagram post about how I was going to repot my plant, because it wanted to grow bigger - but it couldn't because of the pot that it was in was too small. I wrote about how it's important to give room for plants - and ourselves - to grow bigger; invest in yourself, take a course, go travel, move, get a new job etc. that will help you grow, because if you don't give yourself room to grow and the space and capacity to do so, you will not be able to reach new heights.
The beautiful thing is that that little plant that you see in the picture above, is now this new plant that you can see in the picture below:
Isn't that just beautiful?
And I truly feel like, just like the plant has grown over the past few months - I have as well.
I had been wanting to take the Holistic Health Coach education for years, but hadn't truly "allowed" myself to do so - until Summer last year, where I finally signed up for it - and I can't even begin to describe my own growth and transformation over this past year. It has been full of ups and downs, but I've reached new heights that I would never have had, if I hadn't followed my own heart and passion and decided to sign up for the program.
So hereby just a little reminder for you - to follow those small nudges, your intuition when it's telling you to buy a certain book, invest in a course, go to a certain place etc. - follow your heart, and remember to give yourself permission to GROW! πΏβ¨β¨