
Denne opskrift kan jeg overhovedet ikke tage credit for, men jeg blev nødt til at dele den. I kan finde opskriftsvideoen lige her. Men disse cookies er simpelthen så nemme at lave, så er de super lækre og tilmed veganske (altså, bare fordi det er vegansk er det jo ikke lig med at det er sundt, just saying).Ingredienser:1/2 dl vegansk smør (jeg brugte 'smørbar' fra Naturli')1 dl kokossukker1/4 dl plantemælk (jeg brugte rismælk)1 tsk vaniljeekstrakt1 3/4 dl mel1 tsk bagepulver1 tsk natronca. 1 dl hakket mørk chokoladeDu starter bare med at tage smøren (som gerne skal have stået ude i noget tid og være ved stuetemperatur), så blander du det sammen med kokossukkeret. Bland det godt sammen, derefter hælder du plantemælken i og vanilje ekstrakten og blander det rundt. Bland herefter mel, bagepulver og natron i så dejen bliver mere fast og tyk. Til sidst propper du de mørke chokolader stykker i. Form dejen til små runde kugler, og læg dem på en bageplade klædt med bagepapir og så skal de bare have ca. 9 minutter i ovnen på 200 grader (varmluft).I cannot take any credit for this recipe, but I just had to share it. You can find the video for the recipe right here. But these cookies are so easy to make, they are so delicious and vegan (but remember, just because something is vegan doesn't mean it's automatically healthy). Ingrediens:1/2 cup of vegan butter1 cup of coconut sugar/brown sugar1/4 cup of plantmilk1 tsp of vanilla extract 1 3/4 cup of flour1 tsp of baking powder 1 tsp of baking sodaabout 1 cup of chopped dark chocolateYou start by mixing the butter (which you should take out of the fridge in advantage to make it more warmer), together with the coconut sugar. Mix that good together, and afterwards put in the plantmilk and the vanilla extract and mix it further. Afterwards put in the flour, baking powder and baking soda and mix it around and the dough will become thicker and more coherent. At last you put in the chocolate pieces. Make the dough into small little balls and put them on a baking tray  which is covered in baking paper and put it in the oven for about 9 minutes on 200 degrees.  


