
This past week has been filled with exam preparation, a cup of chai latte with Emilie, a meeting with Cathrine, work, celebration of having been together with my boyfriend for 5 years, talk and a walk with Ida, seeing my mom for a café date, been to the most lovely and touching yoga event and celebrated my dad's birthday!But, I don't really have much pictures from all of the above since I've just been enjoying it and not taken any pictures. So, here are some pictures from my Instagram from the past week.

It's been months since I last saw Emilie, so it was lovely to catch up again and talk about how everything is going!

I love how loose leaf tea, but to be honest this is just a picture of the loose leaf tea in my kitchen. I still have sooooo many tea bags, because I'm a bit of a tea hoarder, but I'm trying not to buy new packages (pay attention to "try") and finish what I have and from then on only strive for loose leaf tea

I posted this picture on Instagram and asked for you guys' advice on which shampoo bars you used, and WOW I got so many good suggestion for different shampoo bars, also a suggestion for no-poo and using morrocan clay to wash the hair with. I'll experiment with some different ones, but I was so happy to get all the lovely advice! (If you want to read all the lovely suggestions, then you can find the picture here)

Saturday I was at a yoga event with Cathrine and Karen Pallisgaard in collaboration with Børne Hjernecancer Fonden (a Danish organisation raising money for science in brain cancer for Children). This was one of the most beautiful and touching experiences I've ever had. I'm a very sensitive being, but I can usually "control" myself when I'm out amongst other people, but not today. We had 1 hour of yoga with Cathrine, then 1 hour of meditation and yoga nidra with Karen and then Anette from Børne Hjernecancer Fonden ended it all with telling about how her daughter got diagnosed with a brain tumor and died, and that was the reason for why she founded this organisation. It was so touching, and I truly think it's such a beautiful organisation she has created.


