
This past week was wonderful! I finally finished my last exam, and was able to just relax and as you read this I'm in France on a skin trip with my boyfriend and his family!

This week has for sure been lovely. As mentioned, I finished my last exam at my 1st semester of my Master, I finally found a delicious green smoothie recipe and have been drinking these A LOT (you'll know if you follow me on Instagram), I went to see the movie Wonder with my mom and cried like so many times. I can really recommend it, it was so sweet and really shows how we are all battling with our own problems, and how we should never judge a person based on how they look, or how we might think their lives are, we should instead be nice and open and try to get to know other people. I wish all school children could watch this movie!

Friday I participated in Sustain Daily's event for their kickstarter campaign for their new Magazine Sustain Yearly, which you can support here! Saturday morning I went to the airport and travelled to France. But, even though I might be in France for the next week, I've still planned some blogposts which are coming up for you!

How was your past week?

Just look at this cutiepie! I already miss her (my grandparents are taking care of her while we're away on holiday, so I know she's being spoiled and getting lots of love <3 )

I've been drinking macacao (cacao with maca, it's good and stabilises hormones!)

I've been journalling and reflecting

I've been drinking 4 green smoothies in 4 days, and I intend to continue this lovely habit once I'm back home again from my skin trip! Ps, you can find the recipe on my Instagram, or wait till tomorrow where I'll share it here on my blog

The beautiful Sustain Yearly magazine! Ps, I might have written an article in it, so I know I'm biased, but I LOVED the 1st edition, and I can't wait to get my hands on the 2nd issue. Go support the magazine here!


