
Kender du til vision boards? Eller sagt på dansk 'visions tavle'. Det går i al sin enkelthed ud på at du finder en masse billeder som inspirerer dig, og at du finder billeder af ting (oplevelser, rejser, ting osv.) som du gerne vil have ind i dit liv. Herefter laver du en collage, enten på computeren eller på god gammeldags manér med saks og lim og papir i fysisk form.Jeg har lige læst Hella Joof's bog 'papmaché reglen' (I know, I'm late to the party!) men den er fantastisk og hylende morsom - og en af reglerne i denne bog er pizza-reglen. Når du ringer og bestiller en pizza, så ved du hvad du gerne vil have og det er det du ringer og bestiller. Det samme gør sig gældende for livet. Du skal vide hvad du gerne vil have, før du kan få det.Så sæt dig ned og find først ud af hvad det er du egentlig gerne vil i livet. Ikke hvad andre gerne vil have dig til, eller hvad samfundet gerne vil have dig til. Nej. Hvad DU gerne vil have her i livet. Nogle drømmer om store huse, andre bare 30kvm og muligheden for at rejse jorden rundt. Nogle drømmer om ferier i Marokko, mens andre drømmer om ferie i Danmark.Du skal altså finde ud af hvad du gerne vil have her i livet. Start med at skrive det, og virkelig tænk over det.Herefter skal du igang med at finde billeder - for hvis du laver et vision board af dine drømme, så kan du kigge på det hver evig eneste dag og blive mindet om hvad det egentlig er, du gerne vil have her i livet. Prøv det, det er sjovt og inspirerende!På billedet kan du se en lille skitse af mit nuværende vision board - og så kan du jo gætte på hvad jeg går og drømmer om!Have you heard about vision boards? In all its simplicity it's about finding a lot of pictures which inspire you, or pictures of things you want (experiences, travels, things etc.) in your life. After this you make a collage, either on your computer or in an old-fashioned manner with scissor, glue and paper in a physical form.I've just read this Danish book written by Hella Joof and it's amazing and so fun - one of the 'rules' in the book is the pizza-rule. Whenever you call and order a pizza, then you know what you want and this is what you call and order. The same rule applies for your life. You need to know what you want, before you can get it.So sit down and first figure out what it actually is that you want in life. Not what others want you to, or what society tells you to do. No. What YOU want in this life. Some dream of big houses, others just of small places and the ability to travel the world. Some dreams of vacations in Morocco, others just of a holiday in Denmark.You need to figure out what it is that you want in your life. Begin writing it down, and really think about it.Afterwards you need to start finding pictures - because if you make a vision board containing your dreams, then you can look at it every single day and get reminded of what it actually is that you want in this life. Try it, it's fun and inspirering!On the collage you can see a little sketch of my current vision board - and then you might guess what I'm currently dreaming about!Read also: The Law Of Attraction 


