Food Choices Documentary


Yay! Hvis der er noget jeg er elle vild med, så er det altså sundheds dokumentarer. Og heldigvis begynder der kun at komme flere og flere af dem, især nu hvor der sker en mindre revolution indenfor sundhedsfeltet mht. om hvorvidt man bør spise kød, æg og mejeriprodukter. Jeg synes det er voldsomt interessant, og jeg elsker at tilegne mig ny viden omkring emnet. Dokumentaren 'Food Choices' er lige kommet op på Netflix, så lige en anbefaling herfra - måske du skal se den her i weekenden?Yay! If there is one thing that I absolutely love, it is health documentaries. And luckily there are coming more and more of them, especially now when a minor revolution is happening inside the health field, about whether or not you should eat meat, eggs and dairy products. I think it is highly interesting, and I love getting new knowledge within this area. The documentary 'Food Choices' has just come up Netflix, so just a little recommendation from here - maybe you should watch it in the weekend?


Everyday Happiness


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