Today I want to talk about choosing to forgive. Forgiveness is not for others, it is for yourself 🙏✨
Forgiving others. We often talk about certain things as being something we can't forgive. And if people have done you wrong in any kind of way they perhaps they do not deserve your forgiveness. But what I wanted to talk about today is why you need to forgive others, in your own mind, for your own sake.
If you keep holding onto anger, resentment, jealousy about what someone else did to you - then who does that harm? Only yourself. I know the feeling, even though you can feel like your negative vibes are somehow punishing someone else, in reality, you are only hurting yourself even more - and you deserve better than that.
I wanted to address this topic, because not only is it damaging for your mental health to carry anger, jealousy etc. But, if we look at the body from a holistic point of view (which I'm all about), then according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, emotions and physical health are intimately connected. Sadness, nervous tension and anger, worry, fear and overwork are each associated with a particular organ in the body.
Fx irritability and anger can affect the liver and result in menstrual pain, headache, redness of the face and eyes, dizziness and dry mouth.
So not only are you hurting yourself mentally by holding onto things, but you are also creating dis-ease in your own body and doing physical harm to yourself.
Again, forgiving others does not necessarily make what someone did to you okay, but forgiving others can be a way to set yourself free.
The only person you hurt by holding onto things, is yourself. I'll recommend to write a letter (just for yourself), and truly express your feelings and then choose to forgive and let it go 🙏✨