
Do you want to get ready for 2020? Grab your journal and a blanket, light a candle and make yourself a warm cup of tea and get ready to do some reflections for the past year, and visualise your 2020 🙌✨

2020 is approaching soon, and I can feel it's going to be a BIG year! Last year I began the year with reflecting on the past year, sat goals for the upcoming year and sat some minor goals for each quarter in the year to help me reach my goals.

I've reached almost ALL of my goals I sat for myself for 2019. So I'm going to do the exact same thing this year! This year I've started doing accountability coaching together with my dad, where we set goals in different areas of our lives and create small tasks for ourselves to do in order to accomplish our goals. Then we meet up, write to each other and keep each others accountable and help each other reach our goals. As we are already doing this, we decided to sit down together this year and do this little reflection exercise and set goals for 2020, so we can help each other reach those goals.

In order to reach what you want - you need to evaluate your current life. What do you like about where you are at? What don't you like? Reflect back on the past year, as well as visualise your future - 1 year from now, 5 years from now. Where do you want to be? 

Remember, once you have set your bigger goals for 2020, then it's important to break them down into smaller actionable steps. You can write "finish this project" on your bigger goal list for the year, but to make it more manageable and easy to get started on, you need to break it down into smaller steps that you can easily start on. Fx if your goal for 2020 is to write a book, then your smaller steps could be:
- brainstorm content for the book
- do research for XYZ
- write paragraph 1 in chapter 1
- write paragraph 2 in chapter 1
- read through and edit
By breaking your big goal down into smaller steps, it feels much easier to begin the projects.

Here are some reflection questions to prepare you for 2020 ✨

- What were the best things about this year?

- What has life taught your this year?

- What don't you want to take with you into 2020?

- What do you want to take with you into 2020?

- Where do you see yourself in 1 year?

- Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

- What do you want to accomplish in 2020?

- What will it take for you to reach those goals? What do you have to do to get there?

Question for you: Are you ready for 2020? What are some of your goals? I would love to know! Let's root on each other, support each other and help and encourage each other to reach our dreams! 🙌✨


