
I've been getting some questions about how a coaching program with me is like, so I thought I would tell a bit about it here today! ✨🌿

In the coaching program we're working on a health problem you might have, my main focus are within skin health and gut health, but if you have any other, feel free to contact me and ask if that is something I can help you with.

A Holistic view point

In my coaching program we're looking at your life through a holistic view-point. Meaning, we won't just look at what you eat and the nutrition side of things, we'll look at your life as a whole. Because I believe that there are so many more factors that play a role in our health and well-being, other than just what we eat.

It's therefore beneficial if you're already open to the idea, that your health issues might come from deeper things, rather than just whether or not you "eat healthy".

In the beginning of our program I'll ask you to fill out The Circle of Life, which you can read more about in this blogpost. Here we're going to look at which aspects of your life you feel satisfied in, and which you would like to work on. Then we'll begin working on improving those areas of your life where you feel the least satisfied in.

From there on I'll give you some advice and some action-steps to take until we meet again.

The benefits of working with a coach is of course that I'm able to give you advice on your health issue - but it's even more about having support, and having someone there to help keep you accountable towards actually taking action and doing the necessary things you need to in order to really change your life.

"Knowing doesn't change your life. Taking action and really implementing the things you learn is what will change your life"

The Practical Aspect

I offer 3- and 6-months 1:1 programs. I for sure recommend the 6-month program, as I know how long it can take to really change your habits and thereby your life - I know this both personally, but also from those that I have been working with, changing habits and your lifestyle really does take time, as the habits we live by today are so deeply ingrained in us.

By choosing a 6 month program, we'll also be able to cover more things and dive even deeper into what might really be the root cause of your issues, and we'll have time to uncover and change beliefs that might have kept you stuck for a long time.

We will meet 2 x month (every other week) for around 40 minutes per session. The sessions are done over Skype, so you can do them from the comfort of your home. I want to make it as cozy and comfortable as possible for you - so make a nice cup of tea and just relax while we're having the sessions. Remember, this is something you do for YOU.

In these sessions we'll cover how it's been going since our last sessions, and we'll cover what's happening in your life. Because life goes up and down, and perhaps your lack of motivation one week is due to stress at work, or something else, and then we'll of course take that into account when setting new goals for you.

At the end of each sessions I'll give you some recommendations for new action-steps that you can take. I'll also provide any resources that I find relevant to you specifically along the way, whether that be a book, article or something else that I feel with resonate with you and help your journey.

Between our sessions, you are free to send me an e-mail or DM on Instagram and ask me any questions, and I'll also happily ask you to send a picture every time you've done one of our tasks, if that can motivate you even more to do it! I love being there as a support and to help keep you motivated and inspired towards becoming the best version of yourself!

If this is something you would be interested in, then I can offer you a free 30 minutes Health History session! Here we'll go through your health history, your main health concerns and you get a change to "meet me" and feel whether you would like to work with me or not 🌿

If you would like a free Health History session, then either send me a DM on Instagram @camillatromborg, or send me a mail at:, and we'll find a time that works


