
Ivy Lee is an acupuncturist, herbalist and energy healer. I found Ivy through Instagram where I have been following her for a while. She just continues to inspire me with her wisdom and all that she shares. You can learn more about her in this interview. Please welcome, Ivy.

Dear Ivy, will you tell us a little bit about yourself? Who you are and what you do? I'm an acupuncturist, herbalist, and energy healer. I draw upon an expertise in Chinese Medicine from my ancestral roots and infuse other therapeutic modalities to create a multi-sensory healing experience. My specialty is in women's health and I love to help women feel empowered in their body and in life.  

Why did you start to work with acupuncture / Chinese medicine? 
I grew up with Chinese Medicine from my family in Taiwan. Since I was young, I was very interested in learning about a variety of traditional healing practices. But being from an immigrant family, I felt the pressure of financial security and I went to work in corporate for many years. Then after a series of experiences I realized that I had a lot of knowledge and a unique gift for healing, and I felt a responsibility to share it with the world. That's when I quit my corporate job and shifted to my path to doing acupuncture and healing work.

Can you tell what acupuncture is, and how it works? 
Chinese Medicine is based on a framework which sees that the body is intelligent and has an ability to heal itself. Symptoms and conditions are caused by imbalances in the body, so when the body is brought back into balance, the symptoms and conditions resolve. Acupuncture is one of the modalities within Chinese Medicine and it has been practiced for over 2,000 years. The insertion of very fine needles into specific points on the body influences the physiological functioning of the body and promotes balanced flow of energy. 

Which experiences in your life have had a big impact on your own self-development?  
I had lived and traveled to over 30 countries by the age of 30. This had a significant impact on my self-development because it opened my mind. It offered me different perspectives in viewing the world and in viewing myself. It gave me an understanding of the many ways of being and the commonalities in human experience. It empowered me with the belief that I can create myself and create my life. 

Which books have changed your life?
I read a lot of books on Buddhism when I was young and that has influenced the way I navigate life.  "When Things Fall Apart" by Pema Chodron. "The Practice of Lojong" by Traleg Kyabgon. "Loving Kindness" by Sharon Salzberg. "The Sacred Path of the Warrior" by Chögyam Trungpa. And so many more. 

What do you feel the world needs more of?
Forgiveness. This is needed to break the cycle of anger, hurt, and suffering. 

Do you have some daily rituals that you do every single day?
Sitting with tea, quieting the mind and coming to stillness.

Which people have inspired you most in your life?
My mother inspires me in many ways, she embodies so much resilience and strength. She raised me with the values of integrity and honesty, to be true to others and most importantly to yourself.

If people want to learn more about you, or support you in any kind of way, where can they do this?
I am the founder of Luminae Wellness in Oakland, California. I offer acupuncture treatments in-person at my healing space and I also offer virtual healing sessions. Reach out to me through my website or Instagram @luminaewellness

Thank you so much for answering my questions, and for being such a beautiful soul and sharing all your wisdom and for bringing a higher vibration to this world!


