
Nicole Hemmer is a teacher, inspirational speaker and a writer with passion for spirituality and soul work. I met Nicole through Instagram, and she was just such a ray of positive light and inspiration right from the beginning, and such a kind and inspirering soul. Nicole has been travelling around the world, doing soul work, and has worked with many people from all over the world mentoring them and guiding them. Nicole also just released her very first book, Soul on Fire, which you can read much more about in this interview. Please welcome, Nicole.

Dear Nicole, will you tell us a little bit about yourself? Who you are and what you do?

I am originally from Canada, lived in Europe the past 3 years and am currently based in Bali, Indonesia. I also traveled to 50 countries by the time I was 25 years old, and have had a strong fire in my heart for freedom and global transformation from a young age.

I am a teacher, inspirational speaker, writer, women’s empowerment mentor, and author. I’ve led international workshops, classes, sacred circle’s and retreats with hundreds of women around the world and did my Master’s degree in Transpersonal Psychology (the study of psychology, spirituality and consciousness). My passion and expertise is in inspiring women to step into their power, unleashing their soul’s voice in the world, soul embodiment and Divine Feminine Soul Leadership.

How did you first become interested in spirituality?

I first became interested in spirituality when I was 14 years old. I felt a strong hunger in my heart for spirituality and knew that my reason for being on this Earth was connected to this, and was a core component of my purpose. I also started to do yoga and meditation at this age, and was reading books on healing, the chakra’s, intuition, psychic abilities, eastern philosophy and consciousness. My mother was also open to spirituality and introduced me to crystals, colour baths, hands on healing, and personal development.

Which events in your life has completely changed your life?

Moving to Berlin when I was 25 years old changed my life, and was the catalyst for me to start doing the work with women that I was initiated and called to do. Living in Japan when I was 22 years old also changed my life, and brought me back to my soul’s essence and taught me what it means to be a woman in her feminine essence.

A paramount moment for me on my path was when my parents separated when I was 19 years old, and I entered a dark night of the soul period. During this time, I made the commitment to myself and vow that I would never allow any situation or circumstance to close my heart. I promised myself I would stay open no matter what throughout this lifetime, and always keep my heart open. To allow challenging and painful experiences to crack my heart open even wider, and allow pain and suffering to be the gateway to going deeper within myself….

Which books have changed your life?

Initiation by Elizabeth Haich

The Seven Wisdoms of Life by Shai Tubali

What do you feel the world needs more of?

I strongly feel that the world needs more love, presence and consciousness now more than ever. I feel that heart and soul aligned leadership in women is paramount in a time when the feminine has been denigrated and severely suppressed on the earth. Women need to step into their power and reclaim their voice. The earth is screaming for our help and support, and I feel it is my mission to be a beacon of expression for the Divine Feminine consciousness—to activate, ignite and initiate women into their soul and burning truth.

"I strongly feel that the world needs more love, presence and consciousness now more than ever"

What is your best advice for people dealing with self-doubt?

Self doubt is derived from the small self—and is not our true nature. When we connect to our Higher Self, that is rooted in Divine Confidence, Divine Knowing and Divine Trust—we live in unshakable confidence true to our soul. When we embody and connect to our soul, it is rooted in love and truth. Our small self is controlled by fear, lack and self doubt.

Do you have some daily rituals that you do every single day?

Everyday I place my hands on my heart when I wake up and when I go to sleep. I pray for people that come into my awareness everyday. I stay in an open state where I feel my inspiration and then take inspired action based on what I feel called to do. I love to spend time in nature. I love being in silence—for in silence I can feel and attune myself deeper to the wisdom and knowing of my heart.

What are your favourite practices to raise your vibration?

Some of my favourite practices to strengthen my energetic field is time in nature, time in water, and meditation.
I also love aromatherapy oils and rose water spray. Living here in Bali, I love to go to sacred water temples for purification and cleansing..

Which 3 people have inspired you most in your life?

Mary Magdalene, Elizabeth Haich, and Powerful Women Leaders of Light on this Earth that are fierce and true.

You have just released your first book, can you tell us a little bit about it?

Over the last year, I’ve been creating and birthing my first book entitled Soul On Fire: Divine Reminders on the Path of Awakening. This book is a sacred jewel of inspiration for any woman looking to deepen into her humanity—and her divinity. This project reflects my sacred work in the world and I am thrilled to be stepping forward with sharing it with the world…

The book contains transmissions and evolutionary adventures from my own journey, plus self-portraits captured during my travels around the world. My vision is by reading this book, you’ll receive an activation into your deepest truth and soul’s knowing. Whether you receive the words and images in this book as a meditation, or simply as sparkling soul musings, Soul On Fire will awaken, ignite and strengthen your remembrance and connection with the Divine in your own life.

Some of the chapters included in the book are: Authenticity, A New Earth and Feeling the Future, Living the Extraordinary, Beyond Fear, Pain, Warrior of Light, Natural Wild Beauty, Sisterhood, Divine Feminine, Divine Masculine, Money and Abundance, Clarity, Mystical Knowing, The Higher Self, Inspiration…etc.

If people want to learn more about you, or support you in any kind of way, where can they do this?

They can connect with me on Facebook, or check out my website and subscribe to my - Soul Inspiration - newsletter that I send to sisters and women of light around the world. Or follow me on Instagram which is actually how Camilla and I connected! ;)

Thank you so much dear for answering my questions, and for being such a beautiful soul sharing all your lovely wisdom and for bringing a higher vibration to this world!

Thank you so much Camila for this interview and sharing this inspiration, light and positivity with the world. You are an earth angel. 😇


