
You might have heard the expressions 'introvert' and 'extrovert', and you might already know which one you are, or if you are a mix of both, or perhaps you have never heard these terms in your life before.

Today I wanted to write a little bit about introverts and extroverts, and identifying what you are and what those close to you are and learning to accept and respect people as they are.Basically introverts are people who enjoy being alone, having their alone time and get more physically and mentally exhausted when they spend too much time with other people.Extroverts, are the opposite. They love spending time with other people and get more energy out of this.And then there are those in the middle, which is a little bit of both. They both enjoy time alone, but they sure also love spending time with other people.I'm for sure a bit of both, but leaning more towards the introverted side. I love spending time alone. I love reading, writing, watching a good movie or documentary, going for a walk. I truly enjoy my own company and have no problem spending hours alone. But I also love, in smaller doses, to spend time with other people. What I enjoy most is spending time with a few close people for a couple of hours. Whenever I spend an entire day with lots of people I get so drained and tired both mentally and physically.But enough about me. I wanted to talk about the importance of knowing yourself, and knowing your closed ones. Fx if you are an introvert and don't really are aware of it, and you spend a lot of time with other people then you might start to feel sick, get annoyed or frustrated with others. When this start to happen you might start to get more irritated and say things you don't mean or appear angry with others, which of course can lead to lots of conflicts. But, if you know yourself well enough then you can learn to say to yourself that "I've had enough, I need time for myself".If your friends and families know you, and know how your personality is and what you can and cannot handle, and they love you - then they will respect this. They will know that it's nothing personal and it's not you being angry or frustrated with them as persons, but it's just you who cannot handle anymore because of how you are as a person.I find it so important to know myself and my boundaries, just like I like to know my friends, families and boyfriend's. I also find it important to simply just let my closed ones know how I'm feeling and what I can handle. If you are spending time together and you start to feel like you need to go home and sleep, or you simply want to be alone, just tell them. Let them know where you are at. Most people will understand, it's more the unknowing part of what is happening inside a person that can be frustrating, but if you simply say "I'm really tired, so I think I'm gonna go home now", chances are that everyone can understand.If you are interested in learning more about yourself as a person, then I can recommend this test, I found it truly spot on. According to this test I am an "Advocate" (INFJ) - and I found that everything that was written fit me so well. And if your friends and families are into it as well, then make them take the test as well and read each others results. It's so fun to get to know your closed ones more personally, and learn to understand them much more. 

I hope this wasn't too rambling, and it made sense in a way. Do you know what you are? An extrovert or an introvert? And have you tried taking the personality test? Which one were you?


