
If you have been following me for a while, either here on my blog or on my Instagram, then you know how highly I value self-care practices. But what kind of self-care practices do I actually practice daily? I'm going to share some of my favourite daily self-care routines with you today!

 A little while ago I shared this blogpost about my thoughts upon why I find self-care practices so important, and some tips on different practices you could start practicing in your everyday life.But, what self-care practices do I actually personally practice daily? That is what I want to share with you today, and hopefully you can find some inspiration to sneak in some more self-care in your daily life.

My daily self-care routine


*Drink a cup of warm green tea

The first thing I do in the morning, is to drink a nice cup of warm, green tea. This is one of my favourite things to do. It is so simple, yet it makes me so happy. Just ask my boyfriend how happy I finally got the other day when it was finally 'cold enough' again to start drinking tea in the morning (because it has been so hot during this Summer in Denmark). There is just something so soothing and relaxing about a nice cup of warm tea, and I truly love that time of my day. 

*Wake up early

Along with a good cup of nice tea, I really like to wake up early. Not that I need to get lots of stuff done in the morning necessarily, I just really like to have a slow, relaxing morning, where I can wake up slowly and eat and enjoy my breakfast without having to hurry and run out the door. This really makes such a huge difference for my mood. When I was younger I would rather sleep in, and then stuff some breakfast down my throat and run out the door - but then my mood would not always be the best. Nowadays I always plan to wake up at least 1,5 hours before I need to go anywhere, so that I can slowly wake up and start the day on a slow, lovely and good note. 

*Have a lovely Skincare routine

I have always loved skincare and the whole practice of cleansing the face, moisturising it, facial massages etc. So I do my best to really take some time to enjoy this little practice in the morning and evening. It doesn't have to be a long time, just 5-10 minutes of a relaxed time with just me and myself - a time where I really feel like I do something good for my skin and it's a lovely way to relax and calm down, especially in the evening after a long day.

*Enjoy a Green smoothie

Taking care of myself also means taking care of my body and my health, and I've found the easiest way to do so is to get as many greens during the day as possible. It's not always the easiest if you have a lot to do, but then I've found the most delicious recipe for a green smoothie, where I can thereby sneak in lots of extra greens during my day. You can find the recipe for my green smoothie right here - you have to try it! 

*Spend time with loved ones

My day ALWAYS gets better when I spend time with my loved ones. Either friends or family. And luckily enough I also live together with my boyfriend and our cat. I am such a home-buddy, and I just absolutely love spending time with them - it makes me so happy and completely filled with love. 

*Keep a Gratitude Journal

One of the best practices, which I've talked about a million times in here and on Instagram, is having a gratitude journal. I cannot express how much learning to be grateful for even the smallest things in life, has changed my life completely! So I strive for writing down a couple of things every single day that I feel grateful for - and then take a little second for every thing I write down, to really deeply feel the gratitude in my heart. 

These are my personal favourite daily self-care practices. Do you also remember to take time to nurture yourself and your soul, and do what makes you happy? What are your favourite things to do? Feel very free to share them below in the comments!


Read also: Healthy Lifestyle Tips 


