
Det er noget tid siden jeg har delt mine yndlings podcast, og dengang var det mere rent generelt. Nu har jeg fundet nogle nye favoritter, og da jeg for tiden er all-in-for sundhed, holisme og spiritualitet, så tænkte jeg at det kunne være interessant at dele mine yndlings podcast indenfor denne genre med jer. Og så passer det jo perfekt hertil weekenden! Selv skal jeg på arbejde hele weekenden, men det kan være at du har helt fri og kunne bruge et godt og inspirerende podcast til en god gå tur ude i naturen. 

The Melissa Ambrosini Show

Denne her er efterhånden en gammel favorit, for jeg har efterhånden hørt med længe, og har også anbefalet podcastet flere gange herinde på bloggen. Men, hvis du ikke kender til det, så interviewer Melissa Ambrosini alverdens spændende mennesker og man får en masse ny og spændende viden. Især er der fokus på sundhed, men der kommer også emner som parforhold, selvudvikling og meget mere. 

Awaken Radio

Denne her er en ny favorit. Podcastet er lavet af Connie Chapman (som forresten har den fineste Instagram profil!). Connie's stemme er så dejligt beroligende, og dette podcast har også fokus på sundhed, men det har også et meget spirituelt fokus - hvilket jeg er elle vild med disse dage. 

Everyday Ayurveda and Yoga at Hale Pule

Jeg er begyndt at være meget fascineret af Ayurveda (læs lidt mere om det her), og i dette podcast finder man information og hverdagstips til hvordan man kan implementere ayurvedaen i sin egen hverdag. Podcastet er lavet af Myra Lewin som er ayurvedisk udøver og er stifteren af Hale Pule som er et ayurveda og yoga skole. 

The Spa Dr

The Spa Dr er også kendt som Dr. Trevor Cates, besvarer på spørgsmål omkring sundheds myter, interviewer spændende mennesker indenfor sundhedsfeltet og kommer med en masse tips og tricks til hvordan man kan passe bedst muligt på sin krop rent sundhedsmæssigt.Hvis i har nogle gode podcasts indenfor samme genre, så må i endelig dele dem med mig, for jeg elsker at opdage nye gode podcasts!English:It's been a while since I last shared my favourite podcasts, and at that time it was more podcasts in general. Now I've found some new favourites, and since I'm at the moment all about health, holistic and spiritual living, I thought it would be interesting to share some of my favourite podcasts within this genre with you. And it's perfect here for the weekend! I have to work all weekend, but you might have a free weekend and could use a good and inspirational podcast to listen to while going for a walk outside in nature.  

The Melissa Ambrosini Show

This is an old favourite, which I've already shared several times on the blog. But, if you do not know about it, Melissa Ambrosini interviews a lot of different people and you get so much new knowledge. There is especially focus on health, but it also touches upon subjects such as relationships, self development and much more. 

Awaken Radio

This is a new favourite of mine. The podcast is made by Connie Chapman (which btw has the most lovely Instagram account!). Connie's voice is so soothing and calm, and this podcast has focus on health, but also a lot of spirituality - which I'm loving these days. 

Everyday Ayurveda and Yoga at Hale Pule

I've become very fascinated with ayurveda (read more about it here), and in this podcast you get information and everyday tips and tricks on how to implement the ayurvedic lifestyle into your everyday life. The podcast is made by Myra Lewin which is an ayurvedic practitioner and the founder of Hale Pule which is an ayurveda and yoga school. 

The Spa Dr

The Spa Dr is also known as Dr. Trevor Cates, and she answers questions about health myths, interviews exciting people within the health field and comes with a lot of tips and tricks on how to take care of your body and yourself in the best way. If you have any good podcasts within the same kind of genre, please share them with me, because I love discovering new amazing podcasts! 

Read also: Improve your life by simplifying it


