
2018 is getting closer, and it is the perfect time for new year resolutions and new goals! I have several goals for the new year to come, but I also have some specific 'zero waste goals'. By that I mean things I want to change in my life to live a more sustainable life.

You can't do everything at once, and I've already changed many things in 2017, so here are some of the things I want to change in the new year:

  • I want to buy these boxes from IKEA for my waste sorting, to make it more practical and prettier at home. Because at the moment my waste sorting looks like piles of plastic, cardboard and glass in random places in the kitchen, and it's certainly not very pretty.
  • I want to gain some courage to actually bring my own food container whenever I'm buying take-away food from our local bagelshop. I'm still in the phase of thinking too much about what other people might think of me if I do that, so that is something I want to work on in 2018.
  • I want to become better at saying "no thanks" to plastic bags quicker whenever I'm buying something in shops. Sometimes the cashiers are so quick that I haven't even noticed they've put my stuff in a plastic bag before it's too late to say something.
  • I'm going to buy a washing-up brush in tree once we've used up the plastic one that we have in the kitchen.
  • I want to finish off all plastic cleaning products, and get some glass bottles and make my own cleaning products.
  • I want to buy some bee's wrap and thereby never have to use tin foil or foil again for food.

 These were some of the things which were on my 'zero waste goal' list for 2018. Do you have any zero waste goals for the upcoming year? And have you changed anything this year? Read also: 30 things you can do to live a more sustainable life 


