New York Photo Diary (3)
(Empire State Building seen from Top of the Rock in Rockefeller Center - everybody going to NYC, should take a trip up in Rockefeller, the view is amazing)
(Alice in Wonderland, Central Park)
(Happy me, getting delicious breakfast with my love in New York, loved it!)
Så er det vidst ved at være sidste omgang billed spam fra New York af. Nu har jeg været hjemme i godt og vel 1,5 uge og jeg har sgu allerede rejse abstinenser igen - jeg er lidt forfærdelig. Men jeg elsker vitterligt bare at rejse og opleve verden! Så lige pt. tjekker jeg alle tilbud der tjekker ind på min mail fra Travelbird, Takeoffer og alle de andre rejsemails jeg nu modtager ;-)Jeg håber at I alle får en skøn dag!So it is time for the last round of picture spam from New York. Now I have been home for around 1,5 week and I am already feeling the need for going on another travel - I am a little bit addicted. But I just truly love to travel and explore the world! So at the moment I am checking all the offers which comes into my mail from Travelbird, Takeoffer etc. ;-) I hope you will all get a wonderful day!