
Most of us are well aware of what to do to be healthier, the problem is actually doing it. Sometimes we tend to overthink 'health', when in all reality in order to be healthier, all we need is to implement some simple healthy habits. It's all about going back to basics.

So today I want to share some simple healthy habits with you, which I'm pretty sure you already know about, but sometimes it's just about getting reminded about the simple things in life.

Drink more water

Our bodies consist of around 60% of water, and our cells need water in order to function. Remember to drink plenty of water during the day to stay well-hydrated.

Eat more vegetables & whole foods

We can often overthink and complicate the concept of health, but one part of it is about getting way more veggies and whole foods into your body, and minimise the amount of processed food you put into your body. Remember the saying "you are what you eat?". Every thing you put into your body either has the option to support your body and how it functions. It can either fuel your cells, and make your body work perfectly for you, or it can slow down everything and clog things up. I'm all about balance and enjoying life, but look at the majority of the food that you eat, and see if this does your body good.

Get a good amount of sleep

Sleep is SO important. And I guess you already know. Because haven't we all tried having a bad night's sleep, and then felt like a complete mess the next day and not had the energy to do anything? Sleep is vital for our health. Sleep is where the body relaxes, recovers and rebuilds. So don't skip on sleep, it's so important for your health and your mental state.

Move your body

Moving is essential for making things flow inside our bodies. If we don't move, things stay stagnant. We need some circulation in our bodies for everything to function. Go for a walk, bike to work, take a yoga class. Make sure to move your body.


Breathing is essential for humans. If we don't breathe, we die. Yet, so many of us don't fully breathe. We only breathe superficially. Just try to pay attention to how you breathe during the day. I know that when I am caught up in things, and feeling busy, my breath is almost none existent. Take a few minutes each day to fully breathe. Fill your lungs completely with air, and breathe it out. Feel your stomach and chest getting completely filled with fresh air.


Just as we can forget to breathe properly, many of us also forget to relax. I am guilty of this myself, because I always feel like I have a thousand things I want to work on. Whether that be house chores, wanting to catch up with friends and family, or working on my own projects. But as much as I want to do all these things, we all need to remember to unplug for some time each day. Remember to recharge yourself. Relax and just be, and you'll find you have way more energy for all the other things you want to do.

Enjoy life

Health is way more than just the food we eat, the water we drink, and how much exercise and sleep we get. I look at health in a holistic way. If you are not happy, you can eat all the vegetables and exercise etc., and you will still not be healthy. Health is just as much about your mental state. So make sure to enjoy life. Do things you love. Journal and talk about things when you have a though time. Be okay with whatever you are feeling. Know that life is all about balance, and that in order to experience the highs we also need the lows. Take care of yourself and your mental health as much as you take care of your physical body.

Question for you: Do you tend to overthink 'health'? Which one of these simple healthy habits can you focus more on the next week?

Read also: Epigenetics - You Have the Power over Your Own Life


