Stine Bramsen and DIGNITY


På lørdag d.19. november afholder den organisation jeg er frivillig for, DIGNITY - dansk institut mod tortur, en koncert med Stine Bramsen og gæster. Stine Bramsen har inviteret Oh Land, Benal og Karl William med sig til en stor koncert i Operaen på Holmen, hvor alt overskuddet går til at hjælpe torturofre. Jeg skal selv være frivillig under dette arrangement, og glæder mig enormt meget. Der er stadig nogle ledige billetter, så hvis det kunne være noget for dig, så køb endelig en billet og støt op om DIGNITY's arbejde. Billetter kan købes lige her.On Saturday November 19th the organization that I volunteer for, DIGNITY - danish institute against torture, holds a concert with Stine Bramsen and some guests. Stine Bramsen has invited Oh Land, Benal and Karl William with her to the big concert in the Opera House in Copenhagen, and all the profit goes to helping torture victims. I myself am going to volunteer under the concert, and I'm looking so much forward to it. There are still some tickets available, so if this sounds like something for you, buy a ticket and support DIGNITY's work. Tickets can be bought here


Work on Yourself

