
Everything you bring into your life has energy and that will affect you and your life. Therefore, it is so important to become aware about what we surround ourselves with - who do we spend our time with? What job do we have? What food do we eat? I will share some of the ways in which what you bring into your life can affect you, and I hope this will make you see how much of an affect it can have upon your life - and how you can change it, if you want to live a different life from what you are currently living.


The food you eat can either be fresh and whole, like lots of vegetables, nuts, seeds, fruits, which contributes to fuel your body, your skin and your energy level. But, it can also be sugary, highly processed food with no nutritional value which actually does the opposite and drains you for energy. Become aware of what you eat. Of course, everything in life is about balance, and you should definitely treat yourself if you want a cake once in a while, but look at what you eat for the majority of the day. If you feel sluggish and tired all the time, try eating more vegetables and drink more water, and see what a difference that does to your body.


We spend most of our lives on our jobs, so just think about if you go to your job almost every single day with the thought "oh no... not another day", then you fill yourself up with negative energy for most of the week.

I know that it might not always be possible to find a job that you love right away, so while you are on the hunt for a job that will excite you, try to use some gratitude and positive thoughts for the job you DO have at the moment. Because we can only get more, by being grateful for what we already have. Be grateful for the income you are getting, for your kind colleagues, etc. Find small things to be grateful for, and your days will become a lot better.


Relationships are probably one of THE MOST important areas to look at in terms of what energy you bring into your life. Because if you have relationships (not only romantic ones, just as well friendships and family relations) where you spend the majority of your time together fighting, spending time with people who are always negative, criticising etc. then this will drain your energy. Figure out if you want this in your life, or start to search for other friendships/relationships.

Of course we all have downtimes and I'm not saying just 'cut off' someone because they have a bad day, or are going through a rough time, but I think we all know the difference between people who are dealing with something for a while, and people who are negative all the time.

Have you ever heard the saying: "You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with"? Look at who you are spending most of your time with. Are they people who you love, who inspire you, uplift you, who you genuinely enjoy spending time with?

Read also: How to Find Your Soulsisters


Music is another way to bring energy into your life. Whenever you listen to music, do you then listen to sad songs all the time? Or, do you listen to uplifting, positive soundtracks? This is such an easy switch to make to instantly lift your mood.

Fx does Spotify have several different playlists for specific moods, try to choose a more uplifting and positive one in your daily life and see what a difference this makes to your mood.


Life is simply too short to surround yourself with things that doesn’t make you happy. Seriously, do you sit at home and just feel like “eh..” over your room, apartment or house? There is really no need to. Start clearing up and throw out all of the things that doesn’t make you happy (for this little project I can recommend Marie Kondo’s book ‘The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up“). Hereafter, everytime you bring something new into your life really think about if this is something that makes you happy and excited. Create a home and a create a feeling that inspires you and which makes you feel happy and at home.


Mindset, another huge one, which is so important. If you have been following me for a while either here or on my Instagram, you know that I truly believe that if you"change your mind you can change your life", and that you create your own reality.

The thoughts you think, and the feelings you have are of such importance to the life you are living. No matter what happens to you, know that it is your choice how you want to respond to that situation. It's all up to you!

If you want to start working on changing your mindset, I recommend starting with working on:

1. Write Gratitude lists
2. Use Positive Affirmations

I hope this blogpost can help you see that there are SO many ways in which we bring energies into our lives, and that we can truly change our life by choosing what we led into our lives, whether that be people we spend time with, music we listen to, food we eat or the thoughts we think.


