
Jep, nu vil jeg snakke om noget lidt mere langhåret og måske en smule hippie-agtigt, men noget som jeg bare er elle vild med. Men nu har jeg også altid været vild med det lidt magiske, jeg slugte Witch-bladene da jeg var yngre og Harry Potter er, og vil altid være, mine favorit bøger og film! Vi skal nemlig snakke om The Law of Attraction.Tilbage i 2012 var jeg i London med min familie, og jeg kom forbi en boghandel ("kom forbi", rettere sagt, jeg gik ind i boghandelen, fordi jeg elsker bøger og at bruge tid i en boghandel har altid været et af mine favorit steder at være). Men, inde i boghandelen fandt jeg bogen 'The Secret' af Rhonda Byrne. Jeg samlede den op, for bogen så så magisk ud, og jeg var sikker på at dette var en fiktionsbog. Men nej, dette viste sig at være en selvudviklings bog i den lidt mere spirituelle ende. Jeg købte den, og begyndte straks at læse i den senere den aften - jeg var slugt! Bogen indeholdte små ting man skulle gøre hver dag, fx at skrive taknemmelighedslister over de ting man er taknemmelig for hver eneste dag, eller at gå en hel dag uden at tænke negative tanker om sig selv.Jeg overdriver ikke, når jeg siger, at den bog ændrede hele mit livssyn. Hvor jeg før har levet et liv hvor jeg tænkte at nogle ting bare ikke var mulige for mig, begyndte jeg nu at forstå at jeg kan få hvad jeg vil og opnå hvad jeg vil. Det handler bare om at ændre sit livssyn og måden man tænker på.Hvad er The Law of Attraction?The Law of Attraction handler om at hvad du tænker, tiltrækker du - uanset om det er noget du vil have eller ej. Det handler altså om, at alt hvad du har i dit liv, har du selv tiltrukket ved hjælp af dine tanker. Og så er det at mange stiger af, især hvis man har ting man ikke er glade for i sit liv. For hvorfor skulle man for eksempel tiltrække sig sygdom, dårlig hud, parkeringsbøder osv. det er der jo ingen der vil have? Nej, men det er ikke lig med, at du ikke stadig tænker på det. Prøv at tænk på hvor tit du tænker: "jeg vil ikke være syg". Pointen med the law of attraction er, at 'universet' så at sige, ikke forstå at du siger 'ikke' i sætningen, men mere ser det som om at du fokusere på sygdom. Istedet for at sige "jeg vil ikke være syg" til dig selv, bør du tænke tanker som "jeg elsker at være sund og rask". For det er det du vil tiltrække - at være sund og rask. Og dermed, er det det du skal fokusere på.The Law of Attraction handler altså om at du skal tænke på de ting du gerne vil have, som om at du allerede har dem. Du skal kunne føle følelsen af at have det du gerne vil have, før du kan modtage det. Og så skal du være åben, når der åbnes døre for dig. Det kan måske være du tænker at du gerne vil have et nyt job. Men, du må også tage handling. Når du så ser et job opslag som er lige dig - så skal du foretage dig en handling, og faktisk søge det job. Det handler om at være åben for de muligheder du får.Virker det?Ja! Hvis du søger 'the law of attraction' på youtube, kommer der sindssygt mange videoer frem med folks fortællinger om hvordan det har virket for dem. Jeg kan også huske at jeg selv skrev en 'ønskeseddel' med ting jeg gerne ville have skulle ske i mit liv. 1-2 år efter kiggede jeg på sedlen igen og der var stort set alle ønskerne gået i opfyldelse. Der blev jeg overvældet, det virkede faktisk. Et eksempel var at jeg skrev at jeg ville vinde Danmarksmesterskaberne sammen med mit dansehold det år. Jeg kan huske at inden vi skulle til konkurrencen, så havde jeg set for mig selv og følt hvordan det ville være at vinde. Og vi vandt, og det var mindst lige så fantastisk som jeg havde forestillet mig.Det kan godt være at du tænker at det hele er lidt for hokus pokus agtigt til dig, men hvad skade kan der ske ved at prøve? Det eneste du skal gøre er at tænke på de ting du gerne vil have i dit liv, og forestille dig at du allerede har dem. Noget andet der kan være en behjælpelig øvelse, er at lave et visionboard. Men det vil jeg komme mere ind på senere, i et andet blog indlæg.Har du selv haft nogle erfaringer med The Law of Attraction? Fortæl endelig om det i kommentarfeltet, jeg elsker at høre om sådanne historier.Ya, now it's going to be a bit hippie-ish, but it's just something that I'm so into. But I've always been very much into the magical stuff, I swallowed the Witch-magazines when I was younger and Harry Potter is, and will always be, some of my favourite books and movies! We are going to talk about The Law of Attraction.Back in 2012 I was in London with my family, and I came across a bookstore ("came across", more precisely I walked straight into it, because I love books and I've always loved spending time in bookstores, it's one of my favourite places to look around). But, inside this bookstore I found the book 'The Secret' by Rhonda Byrne. I picked it up, and the book just looked so magical, I was sure it was a fiction. But no, it turned out to be more of a self-help book in the more spiritual end of the spectrum. I bought it, and quickly started to read it later that evening - I was swayed away, it was amazing! The book contained lots of small things you could do each day, fx write gratitude list of the things you are grateful for every day, or go for an entire day without thinking negative thoughts about yourself.I'm not exaggerating when I say that that book changed my entire view upon life. Before I lived a life where I thought that some things just wasn't possible for me, but now I started to think that I could actually get what I want and achieve what I want. It's all about changing your view upon life and the way in which you think.What is The Law of Attraction? The Law of Attraction is about that what you think about, you attract - whether you like it or not. It's about whatever you have in your life now, you have attracted through your thoughts and feelings. And it is here many people think it's too weird, especially if they have things in their life which they are not happy about. Because why on earth should you attract sickness, bad skin, parking tickets etc. into your life? Nobody wants that. No, but that is not the same as you do not think about it. Just think about how often you might think: "I do not want to be sick". The point with the law of attraction is, that the 'universe' do not understand that you are saying 'not' in that sentence, but sees it as you are focusing on sickness. Instead of saying "I do not want to be sick" for yourself, try thinking "I love being healthy and well". Because THAT is what you want to attract - being healthy and well. And thereby, this is what you should focus on.The Law of Attraction is about thinking about the things that you want in your life, and feel as if you've already got it. You need to be able to feel the emotions that you will feel when you get what you want, in order for you to be able to receive it. And then you have to be open, as soon as doors are opening up for you. It might be that you want a new job. But, you need to take action. As soon as you see a job post which is just you - you have to take action, and actually apply for that job. It's about being open for the opportunities that you get.Does it work? Yes! If you type in 'law of attraction' on youtube, there will come up so many videos with people telling their stories about how it has worked for them. I can remember that I wrote myself a 'wishlist' of things that I wanted to happen in my life. 1-2 years later I looked upon that list again, and almost all my wishes had come true. I was so overwhelmed, that it actually worked. An example was that I wrote that I wanted to win the Danish championsship together with my dancing team. I remember that before we went to the competition, I had already imagined and felt many times how it would be like to win. And then we actually won, and it was just as amazing as I had imagined it to be.You might think that this is all too much and a bit too weird for you, but what harm can happen by trying it out? All you have to do is think about the things that you want in your life, and imagine and feel as if you already have them. Something else which can be a good practice for this, is to make a vision board. But, more about that in another blog post.Have you had any experiences with The Law of Attraction yourself? Please leave a comment in the comment section, I love to hear about those stories.Read also: How to make your dreams a reality  


