
Whenever you are having a hard time, or if you are in pain, I think one of the best things to remember is the saying "this too shall pass". Life is all about ups and downs, and if you've never heard about the 'regression to the mean' which is actually used in more economical terms, but is also very relevant in terms of life, it is about how life always balance things out and gets back to the center - to the middle. Life is about ups and downs, and life would never be worth living if it was all ups all the time, because without downs, we wouldn't even know what ups were. 

There wouldn't be light without darkness, and the other way around. Just like yin and yang, and there is always some darkness in the light and some light in the darkness.

 I think this is such an important thing to remember whenever you are going through some hard times and start thinking that life is just miserable, then begin to say to yourself that it is okay that life is hard right now, but it will get better. And usually, those who have gone through hard times in life and get out on the other side turns out to be the most wise, loving and caring people  - because they have experienced these down-times.I'm all about positivity, happy moments and looking at life with joy and happiness. But, whenever I'm having a hard time or I'm sad I try my best to let that be okay as well. Or whenever I'm feeling pain, whether that be a headache or stomach problems, I try to just stay calm, relax and tell myself that this is also going to pass (and I also pay close attention to what my body tells me, because pain in the body is usually the body telling you to either relax, stress down, that you might have eaten something which was not good for you or something else. If you experience regular pain in a specific area, then really try to pay attention to what you have been doing and if any patterns occur).That was just a long ramble about life. I hope it makes sense, and that you got something out of it.


