
I've had problems with my stomach throughout my entire childhood and teen years. When I was around 12-13 years old I got a blood test to figure out if I was allergic to anything, but nothing showed up, so I've never really gotten a clear answer to what was causing the problems. However, as I got older I started to notice when I got problems with my stomach. One thing that was sure was every time I ate creamed potatoes or ice-cream I could count on getting problems with my stomach. But it wasn't until my twenties that I started researching about how dairy could have this effect on people. After having cut dairy out of my diet completely I almost never experience severe problems with my stomach anymore.However, after years of having lived with a sensitive stomach, I've also looked into supplements and other things which can help my stomach function as good as possible, which is what I wanted to share with you today.There can be many reasons for why you're having trouble, maybe you eat too much processed food, maybe you're gluten intolerant, or maybe, like me, you're dairy intolerant. I hope you can find some useful information in this blogpost, and that it can hopefully help you if you are dealing with the same problems as I have. 

Tips for a problematic stomach

Eat more fibers

Fibers are essential for a healthy functioning stomach (and body), so strive for eating more green vegetables.  Fibers add more good bacteria into your gut, and this is so essential for having a healthy body. You can fx choose to add a green smoothie into your daily diet every single day. I have a delicious recipe here, and here you can also choose to add psyllium husks or silicon supplement into it as well.


Get a supplement, or eat some probiotic food, like sauerkraut*, to get those good bacterias into your stomach, which helps the gut function better. 

Psyllium husks

Psyllium husks (Danish: loppefrøskaller/HUSK*) have a high amount of fibers and they are good for the gut, and it is a very well-known supplement for people with stomach issues. So try adding this into your diet, either by putting it into your oatmeal, your smoothies or simply just mix it with water and drink smoothie and vitamins


Silicon (Danish: silicium/spisekisel*) is a supplement that helps keep the body healthy. It improves skin, hair, nails and your digestion. Silicon helps bind toxins in your body and transport them out of your system, which is what improves your digestion. You can get this supplement either in capsules or in powder form. I have the powder form and put a tiny spoon of it into my green smoothies, which I try to make every single day. In that way I both get good fibers and silicon. 

Cut out dairy products

Try cutting out all dairy products for a while and see how you feel. Nowadays there actually is really no good reason for eating dairy products, you can find substitutes for these which won't affect you. Now I only use ricemilk when I'm cooking, and when I'm out on a café I always get oat milk in my hot drinks. 

Cut out gluten

If you have a feeling that gluten might be causing you problems, then try, just as with the dairy, to cut it out for a while and pay close attention to how you feel. 

Relax and stress down

Being easily stressed, or very nervous and anxious can also cause problems. I'm for sure one of those people that have been easily nervous and which affected my entire body. Try to calm yourself down, take some deep breaths, meditate, learn that the worst thing that can happen isn't really that bad. 

Go to the toilet when you need to

This is so important, yet something so many people have problems with, especially girls I think. I guess most of you know the feeling of being out somewhere which is not in the comfort of your home and you need to go to the toilet (we're talking nr. 2 here) and you seriously don't want to out of fear that others might hear you, or it will smell or anything. Am I right? I've talked to so many girlfriends about how this is something we feel so insecure about, especially if you are fx dating a new guy or at school or work.But we need to turn this around, and realise that every single person on this planet poops. It is a natural thing, and holding it in will only trouble your body and stomach even more.Just think about it, poop is filled with all the excess stuff that there isn't room for in your body - it is something that needs to get out of you, and holding it in will do no good for you or your body. 

*Affiliate link has been used, this means that if you buy from this link then I'll get a little percentage of the sale.



KiselProbiotics Benefits, Foods and SupplementsSeven health benefits of psyllium How to restore and improve your gut bacteriaHeal your gut heal your life - Melissa Ambrosini podcast 10 ways to improve your gut bacteria3 essentielle til en sund fordøjelse - Carolina Ellie


