
If you have been following along in here, you might know that my predominant dosha according to Ayurveda is 'vata'.I have written a longer blogpost before about what ayurveda and doshas are, and what the characteristics are for each dosha. But, today, I want to share some vata skincare tips with you.


Characteristics for vatas

You are most likely thin and have a delicate body type. You are prone to dryness, flakiness, dark sports, and premature fine lines and wrinkles (Hello me! Whenever it gets just a bit colder in, my skin are very prone to become dry).Your skin type is normal to dry. There are plenty of things you can do to 'balance' an imbalance. Here are some tips I've found, which can help your skin if you are predominantly vata.


Create routines

Try to create some routines and stick to them. Vatas are known for their creativity and tons of ideas, but they have a hard time sticking to things, even though they would benefit highly from this. Try to create some routines for yourself to get more grounded.

Get regular sleep

In connection with routines, getting a regular sleep is also so important. Try to go to bed at the same time each night, and you can also try to create a before-bed-time routine, something that relaxes you, calms you down and prepares you for sleep. That could be making a little evening skincare routine, with candles, slow music, followed by reading a book in bed with low lights. 

Keep warm

Vatas freeze very easily (my boyfriend can vouch for this, I almost always have cold hands or feet). To balance vata it is therefore very important to keep your body warm. Wear warm clothes, gloves, scarfs. Eat warm food (soups, sautéed veggies). Drink herbal teas. 

Gentle movement

Don't over-exercise, but strive for more grounding activities. This could be yoga, walking, pilates, swimming, dancing, or shorter hikes.

Eat healthy fats

Healthy fats are so good for you and your skin, since these really moisturise your skin from the inside and out, and really keeps the skin hydrated. Healthy fats includes nuts, seeds and avocados. 

Use gentle and moisturising skincare products

Use very gentle cleansers, so you don't over-dry your skin. If you are a vata, you might know that feeling of very sensitive and irritated skin after having cleansed your face with a very 'harsh' cleanser - I do. For many years, when I was younger, I believed all those magazines telling me to buy this and that product to get rid of pimples etc., and all of the products were very harsh, so my skin for sure didn't like that. After cleansing your face, you should moisturise it immediately after, to keep your skin hydrated. Look for warming and very moisturising products to use on your skin fx sesame, olive oil, shea butter and honey. 

Cooked vegetables

Vatas need more warm, cooked vegetables. They do not do as well with raw vegetables, since this can help contribute to dryness and slow down digestion. Vatas usually already have slow digestion, so eating raw vegetables does not work that well for them. Try lightly cooking or steaming your veggies instead. Eating warm veggies is very grounding for vatas, which is exactly what they need. Warm veggies will also help warm them up from the inside and out. 

Read also: The 3 Ayurvedic Doshas 


