
Today I want to talk about cycle syncing, what it is and how it can improve your life.

Cycle syncing means syncing your life to your menstrual cycle. We have 4 cycles that we go through: follicular, ovulatory, luteal and menstrual. All my information come from the book Womancode* or the app MyFLO. Cycle syncing is all about how you can optimise your life and your health by syncing your life more with your cycle. Fx we all know the feeling of having menstruation and not feeling like doing anything at all - in this philosophy it's all about following your flow. If you are having your menstruation you just don't feel like doing much else except relaxing, and that is what you should strive for.I really like this idea, because I've gone through many years where I've been trying to go to the gym when I was on my period even though I didn't feel like it AT ALL. Now I really tune more in and go with what my body wants to. I know it's not always possible to do exactly what you want, fx cancelling going to work just because you have your menstruation, but it's more about learning to be more connected with your body and do some small things which is in alignment with how you are feeling. This philosophy is really all about how you can improve your life, how you are feeling and your health by trying to live more in sync with your cycle. Below you can find out how you can do this more practically.And just for your information, in the book (Womancode) there is a much more scientific explanation into why you are feeling certain ways during the different times of the month, fx because of estrogen dropping, hormones raising etc. I didn't want to write about that here, but rather take away the more practical and simple stuff. But if you're interested, then you can read all about it in the book. 

The 4 phases

• Follicular phase (7-10 days)

This is when you have most energy and your conscious awareness increases. This is the perfect time for mental creativity, learning, clarity, concentration, researching, structural thinking and independence. During this time focus on setting goals, plan and set intentions.Food focus: fresh, vibrant, light foods that make you feel more energised during this phase, when all hormone levels are at their lowest. Think: pressed salads (kimchi, sauerkraut), plenty of vegetables, sprouted beans and seeds, energy-sustaining grains.Exercise focus: try something new. You also have the energy to go for more challenging workouts too at this time. 

• Ovulatory phase (3-4 days)

This is the time where you are more expressive, outgoing and this is the best time for communication, empathy, productivity, teamwork. Focus on social activities and communication. This is also the time of the month were you are fertile, and you are therefore also more flirty and outgoing because of natural instinct of the body being fertile and thereby want to attract the opposite sex.Food focus: you have plenty of natural energy and your mood is stable because of all the estrogen floating around, so go easy on carbohydrates and stick to lighter grains such as corn and quinoa. Still eat plenty of vegetables and fruit.Exercise focus: high-impact workout and group settings. Your energy levels are at their maximum at this time. 

• Luteal phase (10-14 days)

Pre-menstrual phase. Here you are more creative and active. This is the best time for inspired creativity, out of the box thinking and problem solving.Food focus: focus on food rich in B vitamins, calcium, magnesium and fiber. Healthy, natural sugar can help with the dip in estrogen that occurs in the second half of the luteal phase which can make you feel irritable. Also make sure to have a good amount of complex carbohydrates to stabilise serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain and help prevent mood swings.Exercise focus: during the first half of this phase your energy might still be high so just go for the same activities as during your ovulation phase. Then scale down on the intensity during the final days and strive for exercise such as walking, pilates, yoga, mor slow forms. 

• Menstrual phase (3-7 days)

This is when you have your menstruation. You are more likely to be reflective, passive and withdrawn. Subconscious intuition, best time for inner processing, creative reviewing, reaching the core of things, letting go, new ideas, intuitive creativity and renewall. Focus on time alone, reflecting, selfcare, journalling.Food focus: during this time your body is eliminating the lining of your uterus - so focus on foods that add nutrients; foods with a low-glycemic index and water-rich fruits and vegetables. Sea-based vegetables will help your body remineralise iron and zinc, which you lose during menstruation.Exercise focus: rest and recovery. If you want to exercise strive for yoga or walking, take it slow and let your body rest. I have to say that I certainly do not live completely according to the above description, but it really does make perfect sense for me. To live in sync with your hormones and not push yourself to fx Working out when you are on your period and really just feel like laying down and watching a movie. It's all about learning to listen more to your body and take care of it and it that way optimise your health and life.If you are in doubt about which phase you are in, then I can for sure recommend the app MyFLO which is created by the author behind the book Womancode. Here you plug in when you have your menstruation, how you feel on different days and it will tell you in which phase you are currently in and how you can optimise your health during the specific phases. 

What do you think about it? Have you heard about cycle syncing before? Are you trying to live your life more in alignment with how your body is feeling?


Read also: Book recommendation - Womancode 

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