What is the Law of Attraction?

If you found this post, chances are that you have recently heard a little bit about “the Law of Attraction”, or maybe you’re brand new to it. Either way, in this post I will share the very basics of what The Law of Attraction is

You see, in the world there are many Universal Laws that governs our universe. Fx the Law of Gravity. If you drop something, it will eventually fall down to the ground, as Planet Earth has gravity that pulls things into it. This is of course a very good law to have ruling over our Planet, otherwise, we would just float around and we wouldn’t be “bound” to this Earth.

But just like this Law is present, there are also many other universal Laws. And one of them, is the Law of Attraction.

“Like Attracts Like”

The Law of Attraction states that “like attracts like”. That that which are alike will attract to each other. But if we fully want to understand this Law, we need to go even deeper to fully get what this means.

EVERYTHING in this Universe is energy, and everything is operating on vibrations and frequencies

And just like you can turn on the radio, and tune into one specific radio station and listen to POP music, you can just as easily switch over to another radio station and listen to rock music. What you “get”, is what you are tuning into. '

You can CHOOSE to tune into a different frequency

It does take some practice to switch from “one frequency” to another. Fx if you have been living your life up until this point only focusing on all the negative, on all the things that goes wrong, on all the horrors in the world - then you have tuned into ONE specific frequency. And as the law states “Like attracts like”. So you will get more of that which you focus on and give your energy and attention to.

I remember when I first learned about this law through reading “The Secret” back in 2012, I was absolutely MINDBLOWN over the fact that life just didn’t “happen TO me”, but that I held power over what could and would happen in my life, if I just started to take control over my thoughts and focus and my frequency.

This is of course “easier said than done” sometimes, but one amazing way to start changing your focus towards a more positive frequency is to start with a gratitude practice.

Every single day take time to write down at least 3 (or more) things that you are grateful for. And really practice not just writing the same thing over and over again, but push yourself a bit and find gratitude in even the smallest things in life; the fresh air, the beautiful butterfly, the smile of a stranger.

You see, if you want a different outcome in life - then you gotta start tuning into a different frequency! ✨ You gotta start tuning into a frequency of gratitude and ALREADY having what you want. This will start to attract more of exactly what you want into your life!

When you start to work from this way of living, you will start to experience how you meet amazing like-minded people, great opportunities will come into your life & everything will just seem to go way more smoothly

If you want to learn more about The Law of Attraction & Manifestation, then you can get my 3 hour long Manifesting Masterclass where I go into depth with how to Manifest your dreams into your reality 👇🏼


