
I want to share with you, where my interest for Holistic Health comes from. This journey has involved all from digestive issues, to a weak immune system to skin issues. But it has all led me to where I am today 🌿✨

What I personally love about following people who shares about fx how to fix health problems, is to follow people who have been through it themselves. Because then you really know that they have been through the same struggles as you, and that they have really done the work and experimented themselves with what works and what doesn’t.

My Personal Health Story

Growing up I had lots of digestive problems and stomach aches during my childhood. And it was for sure something that was interrupting my life, as it was both painful, but also very frustrating that I never really knew when and why these stomach problems was happening.

Read also: 5 Ways to Improve your Gut Health

Read also: Tips for Stomach Issues

Weak Immune System

Fast forward into my teenage years, where my immune system was so weak. I kept getting sick throughout high school, and at every bigger event (study trip, dance competition etc. I ALWAYS got sick). At this point I still didn’t know what was wrong, and it was frustrating, because in your teenage years FOMO (fear of missing out) is so big, at least it was for me at that time, so laying sick in hotel rooms at study trips while my classmates was out having fun and exploring new cities was for sure something I could have lived without.

Around this time, I started to find out that my connection to my digestive problems was very much connected to whenever I had dairy of any kind. I started reading and learning more about this, and found out that many people are lactose intolerant. Hereafter I started experimenting myself, and started to cut out dairy products. This was a game changer. I started noticing how every time I was at a family birthday and had some dairy again that my stomach would react, and I got confirmed in that this food group was not a well-fit for me. I was feeling way better without eating dairy, and I started to search for alternatives.

At this point, my digestive problems had become so much better, but now my immune system was a wreck.
Couldn’t I just get to a point where I could feel healthy and thriving?

Funnily enough, today I can see the connection so clearly between my digestive issues and my weak immune system. Because I have later learned that around 2/3 of your immune system is located in your gut. By eating plenty of processed foods, sugar and keep eating and drinking dairy products as a child, this has certainly damaged my gut flora, and thereby also my digestive system later on.

Read also: 5 Natural Tips to Prevent Getting a Cold

Skin Issues

Like most other teenagers I also experienced skin problems, which does absolutely no good to an already insecure teenager. When my skin was breaking out there were days where I just wanted to stay at home and not go out. If you have had skin problems yourself, you can probably recognise this feeling.

Again, today I can completely see why my skin was breaking out at the time.

First of all, my gut flora was already so damaged, so there have been a bacterial overgrowth of the bad bacteria in my gut.
Second, my stress levels was quiet high in High School due to school assignments, exams and just normal high school pressure - and when you’re stressed this easily affects your skin. Because the ‘beauty’ of your skin really isn’t necessary for your overall survival, so when you’re stressed, your body takes nutrients from your skin cells to other, more important functions in your body. This is of course a good thing, but as a teenager, those breakouts was for sure not fun, and out of desperation I have probably tried all the harsh cleansers, creams etc. on the market (which of course didn’t work).

Out of complete desperation I decided to get on the vitamin A prescription through my doctor. This is such a harsh treatment, with very high dosages of vitamin A. It is actually so high, that you have to get blood test results every month while on the treatment. The treatment did work – for a while, but it also completely dried out my skin. And half a year later, the breakouts started happening again.

At this time, I had started to learn more and more about how the food we eat affect our health, and I was really into fuelling myself with healthy food. For many years, I saw the ‘solution’ to my problems as being: eating healthy food and moving my body.

Read also: Skincare is about Way more than just what you Put on Your Skin

Read also: 4 Tips for Dry Skin

Read also: 3 Herbal Teas for Clear Skin

Your Mindset

I have later learned the more holistic approach to health. Being healthy is not just about what you eat and how much you exercise. It’s just as much about how you’re feeling mentally.

Do you love yourself? Do you speak kindly to yourself? Do you have a job that you love? Do you take time to relax and do the things that makes you happy?

Emotions and your mental well-being affects your health so much, I’m positive that in the next few years we’ll learn even more about the powerful connection between our emotions and their effects on our health. I love how the whole body is connected, and I keep learning new things about different connection. I find this to be the most fascinating thing!

And this is why I’m so passionated about Holistic Health. It’s NOT just about what you eat (even though whole foods can do wonders for your health, for sure), but being healthy is just as much about your mindset and your well-being 🌿✨


