
Hi everyone! It's been forever. Big jokes on me when I last posted and said that I was going to start posting regularly in here again. Well, that did not happen, because then uni started again and I got a bit overwhelmed. But now I've gotten into a a better routine and I have LOTS of ideas scribbled down and blog posts planned that I want to share with you here on the blog.


First, I want to share 3 current favourites with you guys, which I've been absolutely loving lately!

🌱Matcha Latte

I absolutely love a (good) cup of matcha latte. Believe me, you can for sure also get some not-so-good ones out there (I've definitely tried that as well). But, a good cup of matcha latte is just a delicious, comforting drink to sip on. I love to have it on cafés or to make it at home during the colder months and then drink it while reading homeworks or doing some work. It just makes the day a little bit better (and I'm all about adding those small things into your everyday life that brings you more joy!).

🌱 Gua Sha Facial Massage

I had a little period of time where I forgot about doing gua sha facial massage, but I just got back into it again, and wow, I just really, really love it! And, I feel like I do such a great thing for my skin. It really stimulates the blood flow and circulation in your skin. I can recommend the Honesty Beauty Talk's book where you can read and learn a lot more about the benefits of gua sha massages. 

🌱 Antipodes Grapeseed Butter Cleanse

As some of you might know, I have got a new job, in a health store - and I absolutely love being surrounded by healthy food products, supplements and natural skincare! A few weeks ago one of my colleagues recommended me to try the Antipodes Grapeseed Butter Cleanse, and I have fallen completely in love with it. This is the perfect cleanser, especially if you have dry skin, since it leaves your skin so smooth and soft afterwards! I feel like having a real spa night every night when I apply this to my face. It just smells divine and I love the little ritual with applying it in circular emotions, and then use a damped wash cloth over my face to gently remove it - it's just the best! 

What are your current favourites? Whether that be a new tea you have just tried, a book you have read recently, or something else! Share it in the comments and let's us all inspire each other!


