
It's time to come back to some Everyday Happiness moments. I love seeing these posts at others blogs, and I really think it is such a lovely way to remember to take some pictures of the small, good things in life and be more grateful for even the smallest things <3


So, I want to start posting these kind of posts again, every Monday. I hope you'll find some inspiration as well - either to do a little face mask and watch your favourite movie and relax, go and grab a cup of tea or coffee with your best friend, or go for a walk or to the movies with your family or your loved one. See this as an inspiration to sneak in some more moments in your everyday life that makes you happy - because that truly is what life is made of; the small little everyday things, so cherish these moments!

Our hallway in our apartment complex has been completely repainted and it has become so bright and pretty, I absolutely love it!

I had a Chai Masala tea with my mom and a little piece of brownie cake and just some mom-daughter-time. I love that <3

I've started in Fitness again! What a surprise, mainly for me. Last year I stopped in fitness because I was way too tired of fitness centres and the whole train-train-train mentality. But, lately I've just been feeling like really doing some energetic exercise and really get my pulse up, and sweating - so I've followed my body's need and I've started in fitness again. And, I love it! I really feel SO good after getting a good sweat and getting a tomato-red-face. I, of course, still love yoga and stretching - and as my lovely boss says; it's all about balance: yin & yang <3

There's nothing better when the sun is shinning than a little walk around the lake and seeing the beautiful nature - and preferably with a good podcast in my ears!

I've always loved my family, but I think over the past years I've neglected my lovely big family a bit too much due to lots of work and school - but, I truly love my big family, and I love all the different personalities which I am so truly blessed to have in my life - and I really want to spend more time with them all <3 Here is a picture from last week where almost all the women from my mom's side of the family had a Cinema trip. We watched 'The Book Club' (hilarious movie, and so sweet and loving!) and had dinner afterwards - such a great time!


How was your past week?



