3 Foods that might make your Skin Breakout

3 things that might make your skin breakout

Do you struggle with breakouts and acne?

I know how you feel! I’ve been there myself. There can be many reasons for why your skin is breaking out, and as a Holistic Health Coach, I’ll be the first one to say that it most likely isn’t just one thing that is causing it.

But, there are a few common irritants that might cause your skin to break out that you could start to experiment with limiting your intake of.

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  1. Dairy Products

    Many people have found dairy products to be the cause of their breakouts - and why is that? There is actually a lot of people who are either lactose intolerant or whose digestives system is sensitive to dairy products (including myself!) Not only does my stomach starts to get irritated when I eat dairy products, my skin also starts to breakout.

    Dairy products include things like milk, cheese, icecreams etc.
    Start to pay attention to both how your digestion and your skin feels after you are eating these things. If you find there to be a correlation, then try to experiment with cutting dairy products out of your diet for a time.

    Luckily, there is plenty of alternative options out on the market today! You can find rice, oat, soy, almond milk, vegan icecreams and cheese. So you don’t have to “miss” anything!

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2. Gluten

Again, you might not have any problems with gluten at all, but it is a common irritant for many people. So once again, try to experiment with cutting it out for a certain time frame and pay attention to how your body/skin reacts. Again, there are plenty of gluten free options out there to replace it with, but you can also just go for more whole foods - vegetables, whole grains, legumes, beans etc.

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3. Sugar

I know it’s irritating, I might have just stated all of your 3 favourite foods. But sugar is especially something you want to decrease your intake of. In today’s society we are eating SO much sugar, it’s in so much food/snacks/beverages etc. today and it’s causing inflammation in your body. And high levels of inflammation in your body can most likely be one of the reasons why your skin is breaking out. Not only will eating less sugar prevent you from breaking out, it will also keep your skin younger for a longer period of time as inflammation is causing your skin to age quicker.

If you want to learn more tricks about how to get clear skin, then you can click this link and watch my 10 Steps to Clear & Glowing Skin Webinar (it’s completely free!)


4 Holistic Ways to Clear Your Skin Naturally
