
I'm currently doing a 30 day yoga challenge. That does not need much explanation, it's simply yoga each day for 30 days straight. But, I want to tell a little bit more about my experience with it!

I was inspired by Cecilie Blaksted and her weekly challenges, where she does something for an entire week which I found really inspirering. Cecilie also recommended this inspirering TED talk about trying something new for 30 days. I really wanted to get back into my yoga practice again, and saw this as a perfect opportunity for doing just that. Therefore, I decided to do a 30 days yoga challenge (because clever people say that it takes around 30 days (more precisely, 21 days) to establish a new habit).I am now on day 28 (I started November 1st), and I've only skipped 1 day because I was simply too tired after work one Sunday. So because I skipped one day, I'll instead just continue for 1 more day - luckily I have a Christmas yoga event with Cathrine on Saturday (1st of December), so that is just perfect!

So, how has it been?

It has really been great! I'm feeling way more motivated to move my body, and do things, and I just love the feeling of stretching my body. I guess I've always loved that, since I've been dancing for several years when I was younger, so it feels so good to do it regularly. And I'm for sure planning on doing yoga quiet regularly after this challenge is done.

What challenge did I follow?

I followed 'Yoga with Adriene's 30 days yoga challenge' (free on youtube), but in reality you could just choose whatever you want. Take a random yoga video each day, go to yoga classes in your local yoga center, or do freestyle yoga practice at home if you are more experienced. I really like Adriene's challenge, since she is so down to Earth and gives several options if you do not feel like something hardcore and instead want a more chill pose, and her videos are very manageable since they range from 12-40 minutes, but they are not too long for everyday practice, which makes it much easier to keep it a daily routine. I can for sure recommend a 30 days yoga challenge! Both if you are experienced with yoga and just want to get back into your practice again, but especially also if you are totally new to yoga, then this is a great way to get into it. 

Have you tried a 30 day yoga challenge? Or, have you tried other challenges? I'm really hooked on trying new things for a week or a month. I'm considering a 'no TV for a week', 'no sugar', 'go for a walk each day for a week', 'photo challenge' etc. But I would love recommendations and inputs from you guys!


Read also: The Power of Breathing


