
Gratitude. I have written so much about this topic before, but it truly is wonderful to show and feel gratitude, for both the bigger and the smaller things in life. One of the best practices I have come across is to write a letter of gratitude.

 When I first discovered 'the power' of gratitude, one of the exercises that had the biggest impressions on me and my life, was to write gratitude letters to people who have had an impact on my life. It could both be positive and negative impacts, the important thing was just to write letters to people who had taught me something important about life, and who had had an impact on my life and made me who I am.In the beginning I wrote these letters for myself, so the people I wrote to never received these words of gratitude, but just the feeling of expressing my gratitude towards these different people had a huge impact on my life. Whether it was for being grateful for what certain people had taught me, or if it was to forgive someone for something they had done which had affected me.I wrote letters (in my diary), to all kinds of people. To my old Danish teacher in elementary school for cheering on me to "never stop writing", to my dancing teachers who I looked so much up to when I was younger, to people in high school who was just awesome, to my family members (mom, dad, sis etc.), to my mom's cousins' who treated me with so much love like I was their own daughter, to people who disappointed me or just showed me how I did personally not want to be like, to my boyfriend whom showed me true love and happiness, to all the amazing authors who have inspired me with their stories - and so many other people. 

"We met for a reason, either you're a blessing or a lesson" - Frank Ocean

 Later on I started to share more of these letters with the people I really loved. I love expressing gratitude and love in the form a personal letter, whether that be to my mom, sister, dad, boyfriend or my friends. The best thing is to see their responses, and see people get touched by my gratitude for them - there is really no better feeling in this world. I can highly recommend to share those words that you might have inside your head, with people that mean something to you. Just think about how happy and grateful you get, when someone says or writes something kind to you. 

Try this Gratitude Practice Yourself

  • Write a letter of gratitude to 10 people who have had an impact on your life.Remember, you don't have to show these letters to anyone else than yourself - but if you feel like it, I can definitely recommend sharing the letters with those you love.


Read also: Write Down What You are Grateful for 



