
Many of us want to live a more sustainable life and take better care of the Planet. But sometimes it can be difficult to figure out what more you can actually do in order to do this. That is why I've made a little list of things which I've found in my research for how I personally can strive for living a more sustainable life, and you might find some inspiration too. If you have more suggestions, then please share them below in the comment section so that we can all learn from them! 

30 things you can do to live a more sustainable life:

1. Change your shampoo and conditioner to a shampoo bar and a hairtonic2. Switch your ordinary cleanser to a soap bar3. Switch to a menstrual cup instead of pads and tampons4. Ditch the plastic straws and go without or use stainless steel or glass straws instead5. Use a canvas bag when buying groceries, and say no to plastic bags6. Switch to a safety razor instead of conventional plastic razors7. Say no to junk mails8. Buy secondhand when in need of new clothing, or support an awesome sustainable brand9. Use reusable cotton pads for make-up removal instead of single-use cotton pads10. Invest in your own water bottle and stop buying plastic bottles11. Get a reusable to-go cup and bring it with you when you are going for a cup of tea or coffee to-go, instead of getting it in single-use to-go cups12. Switch to a bamboo toothbrush instead of a plastic one13. Buy soy candles instead of stearine candless14. Make your own body lotion, or use coconut oil or another oil on your body instead of buying lotions in plastic containers15. Always just strive for buying wooden, stainless steel or glass things instead of plastic16. When buying groceries, stop putting vegetables and fruits in small plastic bags. Either just choose to ditch the plastic bag, or buy some small reusable bags which you can use again and again17. Try soapberries when doing laundry instead of regular laundry detergent which normally comes in a plastic bottle18. Make your own face masks, face scrub, body scrub etc. You can use many things from your kitchen for this; bananas, oats, honey, green tea, coffee grounds, cucumber etc.19. Invest in quality pieces which can last you for a longer time rather than small cheap pieces which is going to break quicker20. Make your own deodorant, or buy one in a tin container instead21. Cut down on meat, or stop eating meat all together, since the agriculture industry is one of the world's most polluting industries (plus there are lots of delicious vegan recipes out there!)22. Give experiences when giving gifts, or try to make something yourself - fx a homemade body lotion or body scrub for your mom?23. Switch to compostable bags instead of regular plastic bags in your kitchen24. Try vegan food wraps for food storage instead of tin foil or kitchen foil25. Rent books at the library before deciding whether you really want to buy them, or read books on a kindle26. If possible, buy your things in bulk and bring your own containers to fill up to avoid packaging. If not, try fx to see if it is possible to buy fx rice in cupboard packaging instead of in a plastic bag, and go for that option instead27. Turn off electronics and lights when you are not using them28. Learn how to separate waste properly. Glass in the glass container, compost old food and flowers etc.29. Use the bike, or walk, whenever possible30. Buy things in season, and buy more locally. Fx eat root vegetables during Autumn, and strive for supporting local businesses rather than buying overseas since this is going to be shipped either by plane or with a ship and is a lot more polluting than buying locally 

Read also: 5 documentaries about global warming


