
It's time for the first book recommendation of 2019! The first book I read this year was "Idiot's Guides to Ayurveda" by Sahara Rose. It's all about what Ayurveda is, the three doshas, it contains an ayurvedic dosha test and so much more.

 Speaking of books and reading, I've joined the 'goodreads' site, it's a site where you can keep track of all the books you've read and want to read. You can also make the '2019 challenge' and put in how many books you want to read for the year and then add to the list every time you've finished a new book. I already wrote down the books I've read in a word document, but this is a bit more fun, so I can definitely recommend that! And now I can tick off the first book of the year: 'Idiot's Guides to Ayurveda' by Sahara Rose.You might remember the name Sahara Rose, because I already recommended her podcast 'The Higher Self' in here. But Sahara is also the author behind the book 'Idiot's Guides to Ayurveda', if you are not familiar with the 'idiot's guides' books, they are simply books explaining things in a very easy and understandable way.

So what's it about?

Idiot's Guides to Ayurveda is the perfect book if you are new to the concept of Ayurveda. Perhaps you've never even heard about this word before? Or maybe you just want to dive deeper into learning about your own dosha and how to balance it.This book covers the basics of Ayurveda, the three doshas (vata, pitta and kapha), and Ayurvedic dosha test so you can find out of your primary and secondary doshas (I'm primarily vata, and my secondary dosha is pitta, but definitely most vata), how to balance your dosha both when it comes to food and lifestyle tips, ayurvedic self-care practices, all about the 5 koshas and the 7 chakras, good morning and night rituals, all about digestion according to ayurveda, ayurvedic home remedies and so much more!I already knew a bit about Ayurveda and which dosha was my primary, but I've definitely learn a lot of new things by reading this book as well, so I will definitely recommend it if you are into holistic health, self development, growth, self-care practices and spirituality! 

Read also: Book recommendation - Chinese Holistic Medicine

 As always, if you have any good book recommendations, then please share them with me and everybody else below in the comments and let's all inspire each other! 

Ps, if you have taken an Ayurvedic dosha test then I'm curious, which dosha is your primary?


