
If you truly want to see results in any area of your life, then I have one very important tip for you - consistency is key!

 The concept of staying consistent is something I've encountered from many 'self development gurus' over the years. It might seem simple, but it can for sure be challenging, especially when you don't feel like you're getting anything out of it and it's more tempting to just quit and do something else. But many times it's just when we're about to give up that results are coming.It might be easier to understand if we take some examples. 

Take action and stay consistent

If you want to work on losing weight, and you are training and eating healthy but you just don't feel like you're getting anywhere and instead you decide that it just doesn't work and you give up and fall back into your old habits. Changing things, and especially your appearance, can for sure take time, so you need to stay consistent with the habits of eating healthy and moving your body.Or, perhaps you want to improve your flexibility, then it won't be enough with just practicing some yoga once every month, you need to practice it more and do it over a longer period of time.Let's take another example, perhaps you want to grow your business or your amount of followers on your social media sites. You put up content, but you just don't feel like it's getting you anywhere, so you give up and stop posting regularly.But you need to stay consistent with posting and putting out quality content, and stay patient - because eventually people will find you, but they only want to follow along if they can rely on you and if they are sure that you'll provide content regularly that they can follow, otherwise they'll disappear again. I can vouch for this myself, I've posted on my Instagram and blog for several years now, but it wasn't until I started posting more regularly and stayed consistent with it that several people started to follow me.

Focus on the long-term rather than the short-term

There are SO many examples out there of why staying consistent is the KEY to gaining whatever you want. This picture below is one of my favourite reminders to why you need to stay consistent and keep trying if you truly want something!I hope that this little 'pep-talk' has motivated you to take action and staying consistent, and eventually you will see that things will come your way!  Whether that be losing weight, publishing a book, clearing up your skin, growing your business or whatever you dream of! Find out what steps you need to take to get there, and then keep going and stay consistent! 

Read also: Break Down Bigger Projects into Smaller Tasks


