
This is YOUR life, so why not create it and make it just as you like it! Create a space you love - and not just a physical space, but just as much a mental space you love.



Life is simply too short to surround yourself with things that doesn't make you happy. Seriously, do you sit at home and just feel like "eh.." over your room, apartment or house? There is really no need to. Start clearing up and throw out all of the things that doesn't make you happy (for this little project I can recommend Marie Kondo's book 'The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up"). Hereafter, everytime you bring something new into your life really think about if this is something that makes you happy and excited. Create a home and a create a feeling that inspires you and which makes you feel happy and at home.I still have a few minor things I would like to change in our apartment, but overall I am so happy with the light and bright apartment my boyfriend and I have, all the plants I have, the himalayan salt lamps, the crystals, all my books and just everything! I really love our home. I especially love my little desk corner (yes exactly, the one on the picture above), which is where I sit most of the day and read homeworks, do work or write on blogposts - and with a cup of tea by my side, that is simply just the best! You know, the small pleasures of life, right?


But now we talk about creating a space that you love, then I of course do not just mean the physical space, but just as much the mental space. You are the only person you need to spend your entire life together with. Just think about it for a second, you will always be together with YOU. Therefore, the best thing you can do in life is to learn to love yourself and love your own company. Become your own best friend.But, how do you do that? I know, it's not just as easy-peasy as it sounds. We can be so cruel to ourselves "you look ugly", "why did you say that?", "and who exactly do you think you are?" - do you recognise the negative self-talk? I've done a tons of this, and I still work on this, but I have gotten so much better, and I love myself now and whenever I start thinking such thoughts I quickly turn them around and apologise to myself.But Camilla you still didn't answer the question, how do you actually learn to love yourself? First of all, you need to start paying attention to the things you say to yourself. Start noticing every time you think negatively about yourself and then stop yourself right there. Become aware of it. Instead tell yourself something you love about yourself, it might be your smile, your eyes, your kindness toward others - anything, just focus on something positive instead. At first it can seem very forced and fake, but eventually you will start believing yourself. 

A little exercise: Look yourself in the mirror and say "I love you".

Do this every time you are at the bathroom, fx brushing teeth, cleansing your face or if you just pass a mirror - take a little moment, look at yourself and say these words - and try your very best to believe them, trust me, eventually you will learn to love and accept yourself just as you are.

 I have lots of other ideas for things you can do to improve your wellbeing, but let's say this is it for now. Try working on stopping your thoughts every time you find yourself thinking negatively, and do the little mirror exercise, and see how your life slowly starts to become happier, better and you will feel more confident!By creating a mental space you love, also think about whether you spend your time on the things you love. Do you read books that you find interesting? Do you spend time in nature? Do you spend time with people who you like? Consider these things, and if the answer is not yes, then start changing things - or, if you do not know what you like, start to do some researching, explore - find out what it is that really makes you happy and excited and spend your time on these things!

Read also: 3 Practices that Will Change Your Life



