
I'm always on the hunt for new exciting books to read, and if you are a bookworm, just like me, then you might be too. So I thought I would share some of the books that I plan on diving into this Summer. I might not come around all of them, or I might add some other books, but these are the ones I would for sure love to read!

 When I was younger I participated in my local library's competition where you had to read 5 books and then you could pick 1 book for free (such a nerd, but I absolutely loved it! And hey, books are just amazing!) - anyone else who did that when they were younger? Anyway, let's get into my Summer reading list! 

Sluk - Kunsten at overleve i en digital verden - Imran Rashid

(This book is in Danish). Jeg er pt. igang med denne bog omkring den digitale verden vi lever i, og om hvor styrede vores samfund er af vores smartphones. Både skræmmende, men også virkelig interessant læsning.

Waking Up in 5D - Maureen J. St. Germain

A book about how we are all transitioning from the third dimension and waking up to the higher vibrations and abilities of the 5th dimension. The book is about how to develop a Higher Self connection, increase your sensitivity to dimensional signatures and consciously choose 5D, where love is the governing force.

Sæt Livet Fri - Den revolutinerende healingteknik EFT, der styrker krop, sind og sjæl - Nick Ortner

(This book is in Danish, but can be bought in English "The Tapping Solution"). Bogen præsenterer den kraftfulde healingteknik EFT, Emotionel frihedsteknik, som er et fantastisk redskab til at arbejde med mentale, følelsesmæssige og kropsrelaterede problemer. EFT er en videreudvikling af tankefeltterapi og kombinerer den gamle kinesiske lære om meridianer med moderne psykologi og positive bekræftelser.


The Food Medic For Life - Dr. Hazel Wallace

I've been following Hazel Wallace on Instagram for a while and have been listening to her podcast and I find her really inspirering, so when I found out she had written a book about health and filled with food recipes I had to get it. I'm looking forward to diving into this and try out some of the recipes.

Intelligente Celler - Bruce Lipton

(This book is in Danish, but can be bought in English; "The Wisdom of Your Cells"). Bruce Lipton er en anderkendt cellebiolog og har i mere end 20 år forsket i de mekanismer, hvorigennem celler modtager og behandler information, og i denne bog formidler han denne nye videnskab, kaldet epigenetik. Han viser hvordan at DNA bliver styret af signaler uden for cellen, det vil sige det indre miljø, vi selv skaber blandt andet gennem de energimæssige budskaber, der udgår fra vores positive og negative tanker.

The Complete Guide to Yin Yoga - Bernie Clark

This book was recommended to me by my yoga-boss Cathrine. It's an in-depth book about the philosophy and practice of Yin Yoga.

Kiss the Ground - How the food you eat can reverse climate change, heal your body & ultimately save our world - Josh Tickell

How can I not read this book simply just based on this amazing title? I heard about the book in one of Melissa Ambrosini's podcast episodes where the Author of the book was interviewed and I immediately wrote it down on my reading list. Well, the title says most of what it is about, but more precisely it should be about the importance of our soil that we grow our food in.

Rise Sister Rise - A guide to unleashing the wise, wild woman within - Rebecca Campbell

This book is a call to arms for women yo rise up, tell their truth and lead. It is a guide to co-creating a whole new archetype for women in these awakening times - a woman who does not keep herself small in order to make others feel more comfortable, a woman who knows that she is not her body weight, her sexual partner or her career. A women who understands the true meaning of sisterhood, and that alone we are strong but together we are fierce.

Money and the Law of Attraction - Learning to attract wealth, health and happiness - Ester & Jerry Hicks

One of the leading books about the powerful Law of Attraction. I've already read 'The Secret' which was groundbreaking for me, and I've understood the basic principles of the law of attraction, but this book should really go into depth with the concept, so I'm very excited to dive into this.

The Big Leap - Conquer your hidden fear and take life to the next level - Gay Hendricks

Hendricks reveals a simple yet comprehensive program for overcoming our one barrier to happiness and fulfilment, providing a clear path for achieving our true potential and attaining not only financial success but also success in love and life.

The Power of Habit - Why we do what we do in life and business - Charles Duhigg

The book dives into the scientific discoveries that explain why habits exist and how they can be changed.  The Power of Habit contains an exhilarating argument: the key to exercising regularly, losing weight, being more productive, and achieving success is understanding how habits work. By harnessing this new science, we can transform our businesses, our communities, and our lives.

Linchpin - Seth Godin

This book is about you - your choices, your future, and your potential to make a huge difference in whatever field you choose. There used to be two teams in every workplace: management and labour. Now there's a third team: the linchpins. These people figure out what to do when there's no rule book. They delight and challenge their customers and peers. They love their work, pour their best selves into it, and turn each day into a kind of art. Linchpins are the essential building blocks of great organisations. They may not be famous but they're indispensable. And in today's world, they get the best jobs and the most freedom. 

Have you read any of these books? And, what are you going to read this Summer? Let me know! I'm always looking for new books to add to my reading list!


Read also: My Favourite Health Books 


