
Monday and time to look back at some everyday happiness from the past week! It's the little things that make up our lives, so let's try to appreciate them and be grateful for all the small things in life <3

How was your past week? 

I finally got my newly painted shelf up! So far I only have 2 plants on it, but I'm waiting for another one from my friend, and then I hope they grow long and big and hang all the way down from the shelf <3

I baked Carolina's spelt buns, and I have also tried several different new things and changes in my diet and overall lifestyle after having a health consultation with Carolina <3

I received this beautiful "turtle bag" which I bought through Ilovegreen. I really like the concept of the turtle bag it's made from organic natural fibres and it's biodegradable. Turtle bags was made to protect the oceans, but as it says in the name also turtles. Many turtles mistake plastic bags in the ocean for jellyfish and eat them, and ends up getting plastic inside them and several die. That's just so sad. Bring your own bag and ditch the plastic bags.

I've been fuelling myself with lots of this green smoothie! I try to drink one every single day to get lots of green and fibers in my body <3

Sunday I spent my morning in spa with my mom. I love this. A combination of taking good care of your body, relaxing and talking and spending time with my mom <3 After that we were completely relaxed and ate some lunch and then home where I pretty much fell asleep on the couch - perfect Sunday, if you ask me.


