
It's Monday and you know what that means - time to look back at some everyday happiness from the past week!

I've been fuelling myself with my favourite green smoothie almost daily!

I've been practicing yoga at home, and at Cathrine's yoga class Thursday evening at Yogacentralen <3

My boyfriend and I have booked a trip to Alicante, Spain, this Summer and I'm looking so much forward to it! If you have good suggestions for things/places to see, where to eat, sustainable shops etc. then please share them with me! I would love to know since I've never been there before

Okay so this isn't from the past week but this upcoming week, but I just thought I wanted to announce it again. Emma, Johanne and I are going to hold a speech (Danish) about how you can live more sustainable at Fredensborg Bibliotek April 12th 7pm - if you are nearby, come and join!

Saturday some of my best friends from high school came over for brunch and birthday celebration, and it was so good to see them again <3

I started Sunday out with picking up trash at Amager Strandpark with Clean Up Copenhagen and these 3 lovely women! We had the most beautiful sunny weather! Where should we hold the next TRASH & TALK event?

After picking up trash at Amager, I went straight to The Organic Club at Vesterbro for the Sustain Yearly pick-up party. It was so great, so many lovely women, the new magazine, ice tea, the sun was shinning and I spend the next couple of hours talking with Ida in the sunshine - what a lovely day!

Sweet Johanne & Emma at the pick-up party

The beautiful magazine <3 I'm so grateful for having written something in such a beautiful magazine which is all about how you can live a more sustainable life. And a big congrats to lovely Sustain Daily for making this magazine and for spreading sustainable inspiration to so many people!


