
Beauty. It is something most of us strives for, and it can easily become something which gets obsessive and unhealthy, which I'm for sure not a fan of. I rather want to think of beauty as learning to love yourself as you are, and doing small things to enhance your natural beauty and get in better contact with yourself and your body.

 Therefore, I thought I would share some "natural beauty tools" which can be used as a way to enhance your natural beauty, better your health and which can be used as a way to connect with yourself and learn to love and accept yourself as you are. 

Ways to enhance your natural beauty



Dry brushing is a wonderful thing which you can do both on your face and your skin. Dry brushing is a practice where you use a dry brush on your dry skin to gently brush your skin. This helps to get rid of dead skin cells and gets your lympathic system going, which brings new oxygen to your cells. I use this dry brush for the body* and this for the face. I dry brush my body (almost) every time before showering, and I use my facial brush 4-5 times a week in the morning before washing my face or anything. 

Gua Sha

A gua sha is a crystal which you use to "scrape" your face or body with. Gua Sha is said to stimulate blood flow and healing. Like many others massages gua sha stimulates blood flow and makes your skin a little bit more red, which is a good sign, because this only means that blood flow is going. When your blood flow is circulating, this brings more oxygen to your skin, and makes your skin start to “work”, which can both heal your skin and makes your skin more firm. I use this one, and use it 4-5 times a week, mainly in the evening after having removed my make-up and having put some oil on my face. It's the perfect thing to do to wind down in the evening, with a cup of tea and a good serie. 

Oil massage

Oil massage is a wonderful thing! It's so calming, soothing and moisturising for your skin. It is also the perfect way to connect with yourself and give yourself some selflove. Set some time aside to just listen to some calm music, or watch your favourite TV show, or after having taken a shower and rub yourself into oil all over the body and give yourself a gentle and loving massage. Keeping your skin moisturised will prevent it from becoming dry and flaky, and if you've got a bit of a tan in the summer it will also ensure that you keep the tan for a longer period of time.


Yoga has also become one of my favourite ways to enhance my body's natural beauty. How? you might think. Well, after having been to several of Cathrine's yoga classes I've learned more and more about how, at least yin yoga, stimulates the connective tissues, and how this is also a way to reduce cellulite. Yoga is also a way of getting energy flowing in the body, which works in the same way as the dry brushing by bringing oxygen to your cells which will enhance your skin by looking more vibrant and glowing. I also find that yoga really calms me down, which is another amazing thing, because a stressed out mind is one the worst things for your skin, because this can also make you break out. 

Fresh air

Fresh air is almost self-explanatory. But by getting fresh air, you get new oxygen into your body which is so good for your health - and in my belief, whatever is good for your health, is also good for your natural beauty. 

Healthy food & water

This is probably the most important one when it comes to natural beauty if you ask me. Because you can do plenty of face masks etc., but if you don't eat good, healthy, nutritious food, chances are your skin will not look very healthy. Of course there are several people that are blessed with good genes, which can eat lots of crappy food and still look amazing, but many of us (myself included) are not as lucky. I can instantly see on my skin if I've been eating good, nutritious, nourishing, healthy food or filling my body with chips, cakes and cafe lattes. It shows so quickly.

Being happy and doing what you love

This is so important. Your skin will light up by itself if you follow your passion, do things you love, spend time with people you love and find interesting. Just like your skin is vibrating and glowing when you are in love. Do what makes you happy and spend your time on whatever YOU want, it is your life after all. 


As mentioned before, a stressed out skin are more prone to breaking out. Learn to relax, take time off to wind down and just do nothing. I have a hard time with this myself, I always feel like there are thousands of things I could do or that I want to do, so I'm really working on just letting myself relax and do nothing once in a while. 

What are your favourite natural tools to stay healthy, vibrant and be the best version of yourself?


Read also: Healthy lifestyle tips

 *Affiliate link has been used, which means that I get a little percentage of the sale, if you buy through this link


