
Dette indlæg går simpelthen bare ud på, at informere dig om fordelene ved at have planter indenfor. Så min opfordring lyder bare på, at få anskaffet dig en masse planter og fylde dit hjem op med dem, både fordi det bare er pænt, og fordi at der faktisk er en masse fordele ved det!Ja, du læste rigtigt, der er faktisk fordele ved at have planter i sit hjem, så det er bare om at fylde hjemmet op med de grønne banditter.Fordele ved at have planter indenfor:- Planter renser luften inden døre og gør altså dit indemiljø renere og sundere for dig.- De kan faktisk hjælpe med at helbrede dig hvis du er syg, en undersøgelse har vist at indlagte patienter på et hospital som fik blomster som de kunne kigge på, blev helbredt hurtigere- De får dig til at arbejde bedre, jep flere undersøgelser har vist at det at være omgivet af planter, får folk til at være mere produktive- Og mange flere fordele, læs selv mere om det lige her!This post is about informing you about the benefits of having plants inside your home. So just a little suggestion that you go out and buy some plants and fill your home with it, both because it's pretty, and because there's a lot of benefits to them! Yes, you did read that right. There are benefits to having indoor plants, so just get started on filling your home with those green bastards. Benefits of having plants inside:- Plants clean the air and makes your indoor space cleaner and thereby also more healthy for you- They can actually heal you if you're sick, a study shows that patients in a hospital who received flowers to look at, healed more quickly, than those who hadn't - They make you work better, yep a study has shown that being surrounded by plants, makes people become more productive - And lots of other benefits, which you can read more about right here!


