
Jeg har lige læst bogen 'Better Than Before - Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives' * af Gretchen Rubin, og tænkte at jeg lige ville komme med en lille anmeldelse af den, hvis det kunne være noget for nogen af jer derude. Gretchen Rubin har også skrevet bøgerne 'The Happiness Project' og 'Happier at Home', som har fået stor succes. Jeg ELSKEDE denne bog.Gretchen går i dybden med det med at etablere gode vaner, for at få sig et bedre liv. Hun identificerer mennesker under forskellige kategorier, og siger at hvis man lærer sig selv bedre at kende, og ved hvordan man er - så kan man også ændre nogle ting i sit liv, sådan så man ved hvordan man skal agere i forskellige situationer. Det kan være noget så simpelt som fx, at jeg ved at jeg kan blive irritabel og få det dårligt, hvis jeg bliver alt for sulten. Dette kan jeg så sørge for ikke sker, ved altid at have noget mad eller en snack med. Det hele handler om at vide hvad der hjælper en til at få et bedre liv, og vælge at se på livet som at man enten kan acceptere hvor man er, eller gøre noget ved det og ændre på hvor man er.Super fin bog, især hvis man er interesseret i vaner, og glæde. Jeg har lige købt hendes bog 'The Happiness Project', og det er en af de næste bøger jeg snart skal igang med, og den glæder jeg mig virkelig også til at læse.Har du læst nogen af Gretchen Rubin's bøger? Og hvad syntes du om dem?I've just read the book 'Better Than Before - Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives' * by Gretchen Rubin, and I thought that I would make a little review of it, in case some of you out there wanted to read it as well. Gretchen Rubin is also the Author behind 'The Happiness Project' and 'Happier at Home', which are both New York Times bestellers. I LOVED this book.Gretchen goes into depth with establishing good habits, in order to get a better life. She identifies people under different categories, and says that if you learn to know yourself better, and know how you are - then you can also change some things in your life, so that you know how to act in different situations. This can be as simple as fx, I know that I can get irritated and feel bad, if I get too hungry. I can make sure that this doesn't happen, by simply just bringing some food or snacks along with me all the time. It's all about knowing what can help you to get a better life, and choose to look at the things in your life and either accept them, or change them.It's a lovely book, especially if you are interested in habits, and happiness. I've just bought her book 'The Happiness Project' and it's one of the next books that I'm going to read, and I'm looking so much forward to it.Have you read any of Gretchen Rubin's books? And what did you think about them?Read also: How not following your dreams, can keep your passion alive *This post contains an affiliate link


