
Foto: Johanne Stenstrup /Bedre Mode

Don't we all just love when people compliment us? We might not know how to handle it and get shy and embarrassed, but inside we all love when people compliment us either on what we do, what we say, how we look or something else. Just like you love getting compliments, others do as well. And here the saying "give what you want to get" is very relevant.

Think about, when was the last time you gave someone a compliment? Can you remember it? If not, then it's definitely time to start getting into the habit of it. Not only will it lift others mood and make them happy, but it will for sure also make you happy. Just think about the joy of giving someone else a gift, and seeing how happy they get. 

"Throw kindness around like confetti"

When I was in High School my best friends and I talked about this topic, and we challenged each other for a while to give at least 1 compliment every single day. And wow! This is just such a great practice - because not only did it light up someone else's day, but you gain just as much yourself from seeing someone getting happy by something you did.But, who to give compliments to, and about what?You can literally give compliments to anyone about anything. Even the smallest things counts, and often we think about all these small things we like about others, but we simply keep them to ourselves and forget to say it out loud, even though it could make the world of a difference to someone else, and completely make their day."I love what you just said!""This drawing is beautiful!""I really like your shirt!""Your skin is glowing!" "Thanks for your suggestions, they really helped me""Thank you for your kindness" "I loved this piece of writing""Thank you for cooking this delicious meal""I love your hair!""Thank you for your consideration, that means a lot to me"You see? There is no limit to whom and about what you can give compliments. And I know that it takes practice, I have to challenge myself all the time as well. Because I often think about a compliment to give someone in my head, but I sure do not always express it verbally, even though I know that this is only something that would make someone else's day much better.

Are you good at giving compliments? Or, do you want to try to practice giving more of them?Have you given anyone a compliment today? Otherwise, you still have time!

Read also: How to Find your Soul Sisters


