
Today I want to share the things that I have found out might help to heal a liver imbalance naturally. Perhaps you can recognise some of the symptoms yourself, and want to jump on the wagon with me and try to heal our livers naturally? I'm going all in on this now and I'm so excited to see if it can help!

I found out last week that I might suffer from a  liver imbalance. Which was such a relief to finally (hopefully) find out what might be 'the root cause' of my problems. Don't get me wrong, I don't have servere problems, but I am definitely struggling with some acne around my jaw line/chin area, and that is although I eat very healthy most of the time. So last week I had just read about the symptoms of having a liver imbalance in the 'Chinese Holistic Medicine' book and I already thought there that I might have that, and then I had a biopeeling treatment with Louise, and she told me the exact same thing, that it might be my liver that is imbalanced! So now I've gone all in on trying to naturally heal my liver and see if that helps my skin. 

The livers functions

"The liver's main job is to filter blood coming from the digestive tract, before passing it to the rest of the body. The liver also detoxifies chemicals and metabolizes drugs. As it does so, the liver secretes bile that ends up back in the intestines. The liver also makes proteins important for blood clotting and other functions"

According to Chinese Medicine, the liver

  • Controls the flow of Qi
  • Stores blood
  • Dominates through tendons and blood bands
  • Opens to the eyes, controls the sight and tears
  • Manifests on the nails
  • Its associated feelings are anger and depression

How do you get a liver imbalance

  •  Chemically sprayed crops
  • Poor diet (too much processed foods, refined sugar, alcohol)
  • Prescription medication or antibiotic use
  • Drug use and unprotected sex
  • High stress levels and hormonal imbalances
  • Air pollution and environmental toxin exposure
  • Using chemical household products

Symptoms of a liver imbalance

  • Easily exhausted
  • Visual disturbances
  • Muscles and limbs will be tight, sore or numb
  • Finger and toe nails can be dry and fragile with cracks
  • The white in the eye will not be as bright
  • Acne between the eyes and/or between the eyes and the ears (Chinese face mapping)

 So now you know which symptoms that might indicate you having a liver imbalance. So, let's move on to the interesting and most important part: how to heal a liver imbalance naturally!Have in mind that I've only just started this process myself and can thereby not (yet) say if these things works for specifically healing the liver, but I've done lots of research on the best things you can do for your liver, and these are the ones I want to share with you here. And have in mind, that all of these things are completely natural and there is absolutely no harm in doing them for your body, so you might as well try it out if you have a feeling that you are suffering from a liver imbalance. 

How to heal your liver naturally

Foods to eat

  • Strive for eating primarily organic food! Since pesticides is hard for the liver
  • Kale
  • Sprouts
  • Nuts (especially walnuts)
  • Fermented food (sauerkraut/kimchi/apple cider vinegar etc.)
  • Sour/bitter food
  • Lots of green vegetables
  • Carrots
  • Artichokes


  • Nettle tea / nettle infusion
  • Dandelion
  • Milk thistle
  • Burdock root
  • Turmeric
  • Green tea / matcha green tea


  • The liver is connected to feelings such as frustration, unforgiveness and anger. If you hold onto these feelings for too long they will block your liver and will prevent it from working the way it is supposed to. Let go of these feelings. Practice saying no to things you don't want to. Cry when you need to. The liver is connected to the eyes according to Chinese medicine, and crying is a way of getting relief of these feelings. So practice staying true to yourself, letting go of anger and not holding on to emotions that hurt you.



  • Get rid of toxins (eliminate toxins from your food, cleaning products, make-up/skincare and hair products)


Have you suffered from any kind of internal imbalance? And have you tried healing it naturally? Ps, if you have other good tips for healing the liver naturally, then let me know! And, if you have any good kale recipes, please share them, cause I'm going all in on eating kale now!



BooksLiver Rescue - Anthony WilliamsElsk din Lever og Lev Længere - Andreas MortizChinese Holistic Medicine - Steve CardozaArticles10 Tips for Liver Health in Spring - Organic OliviaHow to Improve Liver Function in 6 Steps - Dr. Axe Digestive Disorders Chinese Face ReadingVideoHow to Cleanse Your Liver - Dr. Axe Sådan behandler du lever zonen - Katrine Birk

Read also: Book Recommendation - Chinese Holistic Medicine


