
Do you know the feeling of having lots of new habits that you want to implement into your life? But do you also know the feeling of not following through, and thereby you end up keep disappointing yourself and feeling more discouraged by not being able to establish these new habits? Then this blogpost is for you. Here we're going to talk about how to establish new habits successfully 🙌✨

I bet you know the feeling of wanting to establish lots of new habits, but just not being able to follow through. I know I've done this so many times in the past. I've set lots of goals for myself, but hadn't been able to follow through and thereby I kept disappointing myself more and more.

However, over the past 1,5 year I've really found the golden way to set goals and habits and being able to stick to them and fulfill them - which have not only made me much more happy, but also boosted my own self-confidence and trust in myself. And I want to share those tips with you, so that you can feel the same way!

  1. Identify Your Goal or New Habit
    First of all, you need to make it clear to yourself what it is you want to achieve, or what habit you want to incorporate into your life.
    Do you want to write a book? Do you want to make yoga a regular exercise practice in your life?

    Find out what it is that you want - and also, be very honest with yourself. Do YOU actually want it? Or is this goal or habit something society has conditioned you into thinking that you want. Tune into yourself and feel what it is that you really want.
  2. Now Take Your Goal and Break it Down
    Break your goal, or habit, into small bite-size pieces, so that it becomes very easy to take action on these pieces - rather than the whole pie.
    You might want to write a book, but if you have "write the book" written on your to-do list then you'll too easily get paralysed over the big task that is, and you won't really know where to start - which might lead to you not starting at all.

    Break down the big goal into smaller tasks, fx such as:
    Write a book (overall goal)
    Smaller tasks could be:
    - find out what it should be about
    - do research on the topic
    - divide it up into sections
    - write ideas for each chapter
    - start writing 1 chapter
    - then the next and so on
    - edit

    You see? In this way you have some very concrete action steps you can start on, and you know what each step entails which makes it much easier to begin!

  3. Take Small Steps
    We might want to establish many new habits; start running, make a smoothie every day, exercise x times a week, work on projects etc.
    This is all great - ambitions is wonderful! However, start small. Start with one habit, break it down and be consistent with it until it's just part of your daily routine and it truly is a habit that you just do. Then once you've established one habit successfully, then you can start implementing another one.

    Don't try to implement too many habits all at once. Rather start small and celebrate the small successes - in that way you'll gain more and more confidence and self-trust that you're able to accomplish what you set yourself to.

    For a process like this I can highly recommend finding a coach to help you set small, manageable goals and to help keep you accountable! Ps, keep an eye out, I'll soon start opening up for working 1:1 with clients (feel free to send me a message on Instagram or comment below if you might be interested in it, or want to hear more about it).

So let me hear - which new habit do you want to establish in your life? Or do you have a big goal you want to achieve? ✨

Read also: Book Recommendation - Atomic Habits
*Ps, I can highly recommend this book for more tips on how to successfully establish new habits!


