
The best we can do to fight cold, flus and virus is to strengthen our immune system. So, today I want to share how to strengthen your immune system πŸ‹πŸŒΏβœ¨

The state of the world is unlike anything we've ever seen before. What you can personally do for your own health, and to protect others as well, is to take better care of your immune system. Of course there is the hygienic aspect - to remember to wash your hands regularly, cough into your shirt instead of your hands etc. But to prevent yourself from catching any cold, flu or virus, the best thing you can do is to strengthen your immune system.

Your immune system defends your body from foreign, invading organisms, promoting protective immunity while maintaining tolerance to self.

Today I want to share with you, several ways in which you can strengthen your own immune system.

Ways to Strengthen Your Immune System

Eat more Ginger & Garlic
To fight off any bad bacteria or virus, one thing we can do is to eat more antimicrobial foods. Foods such as ginger and garlic have high antimicrobial properties that is effective against bacteria. So when cooking, make sure to use more of these foods, to help strengthen your immune system.

Eat Vitamin C Rich Food or Take a Supplement
Vitamin C has an effect on the body's immune system and protects against vira and bacteria. A good idea to strengthen your immune system, is therefore to eat more vitamin C rich food, and take a good vitamin C supplement.

Vitamin C rich food include thing such as; citrus fruits, kiwis, berries, tomatoes, cauliflower and leafy greens.

Take a Vitamin D Supplement
Many people, especially in the Northern countries were we go many months without seeing the sun can become deficient in vitamin D. Vitamin D is the vitamin you usually get through sun exposure. Deficiency in vitamin D is associated with increased autoimmunity and an increased susceptibility to infections. Therefore, taking a vitamin D supplement, especially during the Winter if you live in countries with less sun exposure, can be a very good idea.

Take a Probiotic Supplement & Eat Fermented Food
2/3 of the immune system is located in the gut. All disease begins in the gut. Make sure to start treating your gut right. Your gut health is affected by the food you eat. You can better the health of your gut by eating more veggies and fermented food. You can also support your gut health by taking a good probiotic supplement, to get more good bacteria in your gut. By strengthening your gut health, you'll strengthen your immune system.

Drink Lots of Water & Herbal Teas
To work properly, we need water. We need to be hydrated. Our bodies consist of around 60% water. We need it for our body to function well. Drink more water and drink lots of herbal teas. Specifically you can go for herbal teas with ginger and turmeric, to strengthen the immune system, or a green tea filled with antioxidants.

Eat More Fruit & Veggies
Food is Medicine. This has been said for thousands of years, and now really is the time to embrace this - now more than ever. What you fuel your body with will determine how well your body will function for you. When you fuel your body with all the colours of different fruits and veggies, you get a whole range of different vitamins and minerals - which is exactly what your body need to function at its best. Fuel your body. Use food as medicine, by giving your body the best so it can work for you.

Move Your Body
Move your body, go for walks. By moving your body you activate your lymphatic system. Your lymphatic system gets rid of toxins from your body. So the simple act of going for a walk, will activate this system - and the less toxins that are in your system, the easier your immune system will function. Go out and get some fresh air and go for a walk.

Relax & Slow Down
Stress weakens the body's immune system. So even though these times can be hard and full of uncertainty and insecurity, stressing about it does not help. Take time to relax and slow down. Meditate. Take some deep breaths. Go for a walk. Read a good book. Slow everything down.

Read also: 3 Practices to Help You To Relax & Tune Into Yourself


