
Being healthy is about way more than just what you eat & how much you exercise. Your mental health is just as important. Here I share a few tips on how to take care of your mental health 🙏✨

Being healthy is about way more than just getting enough vegetables, drinking water and exercising. From a holistic standpoint, which I'm all about, you look at the individual as a whole - and everything is connected and affects other parts. Emotions can affect your health. Being stressed or feeling sad, angry - it all affects your health.

Therefore, it's so important, not only to take care of your physical health, but also your mental health.

So today I want to share a few tips on how to take care of your mental health

How to Take Care of your Mental Health

  • Take Deep Breaths
    Sometimes we've gone through a whole day without breathing properly. Take some time to take some deep breaths all the way down to your belly and take in fresh air, and use a couple of minutes to just be present and not do anything
  • Meditate
    Just like it's important to take deep breaths, you can do this alongside with meditating. Just sitting still, breathing and being. Not doing anything. Just being in the moment, and take a pause

  • Spend time in Nature
    Getting out in nature is such a great way to relax and disconnect. Listen to some beautiful music, or just go for a walk and listen to the sounds in nature. Breathe in the fresh air, feel the sunshine

  • Journal
    Sometimes we have so many worries, things we need to remember, things we want to do etc. etc. Get all of these things out of your head. If you are scared of forgetting them, use a journal, or a planner, and write it all out. Just get things out of your head, so they don't build up. If you are feeling overwhelmed, angry or sad, writing about it and getting it off your chest can also be very helpful

  • Talk with Someone
    Just like writing about things can help, so can talking with someone about your worries, problems or just your everyday ups and downs. Talk with a friend, your parents, your partner, a therapist. Just the simple act of saying things out loud can sometimes help tremendously

  • Practice Setting Boundaries & Saying No
    What's not good for your mental health, is taking too much on your plate or doing things you actually don't want to. Practice setting boundaries and saying no to things. Even though you might want to do XY&Z, also remember that you need time to just rest & relax

  • Focus on what you're Grateful for
    Focusing on what you're grateful for, will help you notice more things to be grateful for, which makes such a difference on your mental health. I've already written a ton about the practice of gratitude in here, but if you want to get started on it, then try to write down at least 3 things everyday, big or small, that you're grateful for

  • Minimise your To-Do List
    Just like you should practice setting boundaries and saying no to others, this also applies to yourself. You can do many things in life, but try not to overwhelm yourself with writing an endless to-do list every single day which you'll never get done. Practice only writing 3 bigger things for each on your list. Anything else you get done besides that is just a win! But remember not to overwhelm yourself, and make time for just relaxing as well

Question for you: How do you take care of your mental health? ✨


